Shelly Stevens

Shelly Stevens Poems

I wonder if I shall sleep tonight
Or just lie here in twisted sheets
Dreaming a waking dream of you

Words written on a cloudy morning

I see it
I see it

The silence of the night
Nudges me
And I awake to nothing
The stars and moon

I wake to the
dark of a new moon
Knowing that
Morning is near

And the yearning never stops
The visceral ache
The hollow empty anguish
The fear of an unknown imminent doom

I love the play
Of the first chill
Of autumn

Blueberries from Texas
Bought at my local market
So fat and sweet
The taste of a summer

Over the suburbs
And I feel empty
And wanting
The cold blue

In the fading
Afternoon I find
Myself restless and
Wanting to touch

In the light
Of his eyes
I see the light
Of the city

I watch the
Play of light
Dance over your
Face in the

Coffee hot on
A cool spring
Morning before the
Sun has found

I wish I
Was driving south
On I-45
Wishing for your

Swiftly following the sun
A whisper of a crescent moon
Nears the western edge
Of the world and

In the late sun the girls jump rope
Not the sedate ‘I like coffee.
I like tea.' Rhyme that we sang
So off key as children

The Best Poem Of Shelly Stevens

Sleep I

I wonder if I shall sleep tonight
Or just lie here in twisted sheets
Dreaming a waking dream of you
Feeling you in my arms
Your neck against my lips
Your sweat in my mouth
Your heat against my skin

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