Shola Balogun

Shola Balogun Poems

I ride on the waves
of their lies
and tell how vicious men
master vain manners

To His Penelope
(for my wife, Hauwa)


(Songs for Jazz)

A river of wine
In the kiss of your lips:

Sango's Ballad

Oedipus by Sophocles

Oil for the brow.

Could this be the setter forth of Ethiop tongue!
I thought the Aegean breakwaters,
Beating at Aphrodite's tender limbs
In wingbeats of storm

As ill-clad Zlelponith bemoaning
The mangled body of her son tempered
Beneath the hewn stones of Dagan,
Reached deeply into her grief


I kissed the navel of the night.
The chalice of sprouted stalks of bitterleaf,


Rain on my tongue.

Threshing floor of pebbled camwood,
Then hidden faces and strange footsteps

A shadow of light transported
Into three eyes in a flood of triangle,
Tempered omelette of whirling cyclone
Beating pawn to forlorn stones

Steep-stepped vaulting,
I held your suns gladly.

What manner of winevat and what words much graced!

The earthen lamp, the wandering eyes,
The dimly lit floor, the rising shadow,
The sudden silence of lone whispers
In the undivided hour,

Let me take you on a walk
To the moon tonight, Beloved.

The words of your lips

Déjame llevarte de paseo
a la luna esta noche, Amado.

Las palabras de tus labios son como uvas frescas de la vid.

¡Podría ser el iniciador
de la lengua de Etiopía!
Pensé que los rompeolas del Egeo,
golpeando en las extremidades

(Canciones para Jazz)

Un río de vino
En el beso de tus labios:


Rostros congelados en
el muelle de Heraclitean

Edipo por Sófocles

Aceite para la frente.


Lluvia en mi lengua.

Piso trillado de camwood
cubierto de guijarros,

A su Penélope

(para mi esposa, Hauwa)

Shola Balogun Biography

Shola Balogun is a scholar, author, and theatre-trained playwright with a great love of teaching, writing, and research. Adept at engaging the society through stage plays, poetry and films with interest in examining discourses on theatrical aesthetics through the lens of indigenous African traditions, performing identity and hybridity in Contemporary Nigerian Theatre, Balogun's credits include Delos: A Journal of Translation and World Literature, a University of Florida Press journal (with Abiodun J. Macaulay) , the International Journal of African Society, Cultures and Traditions (UK) , Philologist, a Journal of the Faculty of Philology, University of Banja Luka (with Abiodun J. Macaulay) , Nicosia Beyond Barriers: Voices from a Divided City, The Invisible Bear, a Journal affiliated with Duke University's English Department Graduate Poetry Working Group in Durham, North Carolina, The Tau: The Literary and Visual Art Journal of Lourdes University, Sylvania, Ohio, Nebo: A Literary Journal of the Department of English, Arkansas Tech University, Russellville, and several other literary journals, magazines, and anthologies. Winner of the First Prize, Festival Of Peace Poetry Award (2005) , Olaudah Equiano Poetry Prize (2002) . He lives in Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa.)

The Best Poem Of Shola Balogun


I ride on the waves
of their lies
and tell how vicious men
master vain manners
for a piece of unhallowed bread.
I ride on the waves
of their rumours
and belch at the ridiculous riddles
of the swindlers babbling boisterously
in the scam of their filthy scandal.
I frown at the unholy fragrance
of their floppish feats
and gaze with contempt
at their lusty eyes
longing after the lucre
of the poor;
I mete also the verdict
of the cohorts of vandals
and in no little weight
find in it
the thirty pieces of silver.
I ride on the waves
of their humours.

Shola Balogun Comments

Shola Balogun Quotes

Writing, to be a good trade, cannot just stop at being an impulse.The inspiration may have to go through several creative recreations. Every child can scribble as well, and as much bring the last nail to the coffin of true creativity. Many writers have ruined the trade.

The one common greater mistake that people make is not in putting the cart before the horse.It is putting the cart too far from the horse.

A spendthrift must have had something to spend.

The art of poetry is knowing how to reveal the truth without going into details by pretending to tell a lie.

Anonymous is a genius who is not given credit for his work.

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