Silence Dogood

Silence Dogood Poems

Theres this girl at our school.
Who is always alone.
She doesnt have money.
Or even a home.

A tear that falls a scream that cries.
A smile thats false and a hidden lie.
A broken heart a laugh thats fake.
A secret lost a promise that'll break.

I tell myself Im okay while I paste on my smile.
I can forgive but forgetting takes a while.
Your words hurt me they cut to my soul.
I said I wouldnt cry or lose control.

My first day of school started with laughs and stares.
Giggles and pointing they didnt care.
I clearly was new as if that changed a thing.
Nobody cares what happens to me.

I wanted to write a love poem.
But I didn't know where to start.
So I began to think of you.
And wrote right from my heart.

I have a secret.
Made from all my friends.
I'll take it to my grave.
When life on earth ends.

The angel cries.
Her last goodbye.
From her seat in the sky.
She spreads her wings and flies.

A narrative poem about the book Twilight

Mountains of rain pouring down.
Slapping hard against the ground.

I had to fart I couldnt hold it in.
The bubbly gas hiding within.
It came out a stench so incredibly great.
Like a rotten banana on an empty plate.

I'll show you mine if show me yours first
Lets compare scars I'll tell you whose is worst.
Life is like a game and we are the pawns


Smiles dont last forever
Sometimes they fade to grey.
Its hard to keep it together.
When your leaving me this way.

Today I decided it was just too much.
Today It just wasn't enough.
Today was the first of all my lies.
Just two simple words; Im fine.

While you copy what the teacher wrote.
Im busy writting my suiside note.
With my hidden tears and secret smiles.
Boy when I see you it takes me, miles

Im hurting inside but you dont care.
You cannot see behind the mask i wear.
I cover the tears and hide the pain.
I love you but youre to blame.

I keep missing you.
I dont know where you are.
I feel empty inside.
Like a hole in my heart.


im tired of tryin
Sick of cryin

Eyeing her prey with mascara eyes.
Plumping her lips for a secret surprise.
Her unsuspecting victim talking on the phone.
High heels clicking she'll ruin his home.

Teardrops fall down my face.
The mistakes I cant replace.
The days I forgot,
The memories I lost.

I rememeber that night when death was so near.
I remember being in your arms whispering in your ear.
I remember the tear filled eyes and unhappy faces.
Thinking to myself ' why here of all places? '

I use to think we'd last forever.
Until the day you asked to leave.
I thought we could fight through all the lies.
And that you'd still love me.

Silence Dogood Biography

Ello ther. Ny name is Kyla Christina Munden I go by Silence DoGood on this site not because I'm a benjamin franklin fan or even a historical one I chose the name because it was an alias and I thought it was inspiring what Silence DoGood aimed to achieve I do write in a depressing genre displaying the effects of drugs, suicide, self mutilation, and rape. This is not because i've expeirenced it though in some cases I have. It's mainly because it's something important and it's something to write about. I am currently in the process of writing a book to show case these poems. You can of course find them on this site but if you really like my writing. Please buy the book if it ever becomes published because it contains so much more than I can submit. I hope you can read and critique my poems without basing it on my age These events might not relate to me I just hope they can relate to you the readers and I hope I can inspire you in the ways you have inspired me please enjoy goodbye)

The Best Poem Of Silence Dogood

A Better Life

Theres this girl at our school.
Who is always alone.
She doesnt have money.
Or even a home.

She eats paperbag lunches.
And begs on the streets.
She has so many scars.
From the times she got beat.

At school nobody asks.
What happened to her.
They wonder in secret.
But she never says a word.

Everybody watches.
But no one really sees.
Shes locked away her voice.
And thrown away the key.

People will stare.
And spread a few lies.
But no matter what happens.
She never cries.

People will push.
And shove her away.
She'll have a black eye.
But survive the day.

Sometimes I wonder.
About her scars.
What did she do.
I watch from afar.

I can see a strength.
Thats buried inside.
Nobody sees it.
What life she hides.

Theres an end to this story.
Shes too afraid to tell.
Living in poverty.
And a padded cell.

She'll go insane.
Before the truth is found.
She'll be punched and kicked.
But wont stay on the ground.

I'll look at her like everyone else.
I'll do nothing to ease her pain.
She'll come to school with cuts and scars.
While I am filled with shame.

Just because shes okay.
Doesnt mean its right.
She might be here now.
But deserves a better life.

Silence Dogood Comments

Tierra Escoffery 06 May 2009

hey you its tierra, search for whispering shadows

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Hey young one.. you are an excellent writer.. really are.

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Christian Eliab Ratnam 13 September 2008

Your poems are by far one of the best I've seen of any Poet your age. I am indeed impressed and absolutely startled by your attempts so far. Beautiful writes! Keep at it and I won't be surprised to find collections of your poems in bookshops 5 years from now. Well Done Ms Munden!

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Monkey Mendez 03 September 2008

I can tell you are a good writer just by the passion you put on display. Surely you will one day be able to write a poout anything without even trying! As soon as you feel happy, just write down your feelings and why you feel that way. Later you can change it into a poem.

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