Terence George Craddock Slavery Poems

Book Of Secrets: Creation Of Slavery Salary Poverty

there has always been an elite class
the coal mine owner with coal miners
in the dark historic working 12 hours

Great Empires Are Not: On Slavery Injustice Built

break centuries
millennia of pain
inflicted agony
echoing back

Abraham Lincoln And Native American Slavery

honest Abe did you forget
or did you have no time
for a great wrong never righted
too busy embroiled in a civil war

Slavery Has Rules Of Cost Profit Effort

Native American slavery decreased
around 1730 due to wars tribes fought

disrupted by devastating wars

Slavery Profit Tidy Must Have Fair Trade Laws

in 1698 'Parliament allowed competition
among importers of enslaved Africans
raising purchase prices for slaves in Africa'
Native Americans were cheaper in cost

Legal Property: Capitalism Or Slavery?

under legislature law
what value
is placed
upon human lives?

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