stephanie Ann Lowe

stephanie Ann Lowe Poems

You were nothing short,
of a blessing to me,
But you began as a memory.
we knew our time wouldn't last.

I am left, unable to love as before.
All this time, I have wanted love,
and now that it is at my door, I cannot
bring myself to answer,

I spoke with less words,
and more feeling.

you're half way across the world.
but in my little world, you are still the sun.
to say that i miss you.
is to say that i am breathing.

</>i need to speak
what is in my heart
i knew you kept telling me
we would have to part someday

I'm reminiscing.
about all the times we've struggled our way to somewhere near heaven,
with nothing to hide,
something to loose,

considering my life without you, reduced me to tears last night.

If selfishly i allowed it to show; my pain will become yours, you know, And I cannot be the cause of your suffering.

My Heart doled out a share for wisdom, and one for love in vein, another for hope, and still yet one more..of pain.

I dont know how to say this
i've tried so many times before
maybe you just cant see it...
but i'll show it to you once more

i'm haunted, by a living man,
and his dying memory.
He stands before me.
made of carbon and ether.

I went to that place today.
The one you shared with me?
your special spot, the place that brought you peace...

I found out about your other girl friend today,
and the first thing i did, was lie.
about my past,
I would give anything to understand myself,

i'm sorry
i've been very busy saying my goodbye's lately,
and i barely had time to say hello.
i imagine it has been somewhat boring

today was a beautiful day.
and don't we all need beautiful days?
i'm glad I got to share mine with you,

stephanie Ann Lowe Biography

well, I'm not much different than any body else i suppose, I figure we all love, we have all loved and lost, we've all had days that were diamonds, and some that were rocks.(top petty said so, and that must mean it's true.) I write about what i feel, and learn, and think, and do, and wish i could do. I pretty much want to document my relationships, with family, and god, and myself. I am standing in the midst of great personal change, and trying to grasp the lessons life is so adamantly handing me.)

The Best Poem Of stephanie Ann Lowe


You were nothing short,
of a blessing to me,
But you began as a memory.
we knew our time wouldn't last.
Didn't we?

My first reaction,
to falling in love with you
was to push you away.
I realized it that afternoon,
when i was standing at my back door,
you didn't see me,
and I felt a sense of longing
and you just walked away.
it was prophetic, I felt,
since then you have left me alone so many times to
make sense out of things,

And thank you for that!
You have been so good for me,
in so many ways,
I have grown from you
but i was alone.
when i knew it was all real.

You speak in double entendre,
I loved it then,
because it allowed me to
assume you loved me too
And I know that you do.
In your own way.

stephanie Ann Lowe Comments

curious minds 10 February 2020

do you by chance live in Michigan

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Aubree Martin 22 January 2017

Your poems are beautiful

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