Suzette Richards

Suzette Richards Poems

you cannot calculate my legacy in monetary value
or in market shares
neither in some property
nor anything tangible

If Time could turn the clock back; hold onto
the memories of yesteryear's echo.
Again we feast on lavish game banquets,
and Bacchus couldn't put a foot wrong then.

I hold myself rigid within the framework of creeds
imposed upon me by the secular world at large.
I resist the urge to become totally feral.

When the poets fall silent Man will not only lose his voice but also the notion of Life. ~Suzette Richards

Steeped in the pain of his slain countryman,
surrounded by the turmoil of real fears

Run with the idea while hot;


There was an old man who looked so-so,
Whose fat belly bounced like a yo-yo.
Popular once a year
For bringing some real cheer.

gripping the shards of memories
ignoring the bloodied emotions
why do we torture ourselves
with that which we cannot change?

Secure in his mind's intrigue -
charmed by a myriad mystique.
Compassion our conscience strum:
romantic, loathsome hokum.

Fresh to this world, we have learned all things new.
Luck and fortune only smile on a few.
As death would sneak up bestowing our rest,
chasing windmills of mind we should askew.

Gracious and a constant all my life,
not bending to public opinion o' strife,
your sharp wit could cut like a Bowie knife.
With statesmen you did meet—had an excellent seat.

emotions are coursing over gnarled Travertine rocks
tears are my broken dream's shards
scattered on a barren soil

I'm inspired by acclaimed poets alone,
living an exemplary life ‘till now.
So many years had gone by in a flash.
Abiding by metre, sonorous tones,

through the key-hole surgery of my delicate heart
you have reached into the inner sanctum of my soul
in Plato's cave where I have locked away my demons
betrayed by worm casts of secretive earthworms

The morning is fair and without compare;
desire to escape commotion in motion.
With apologies to Frost, but I'm lost
in sylvan idyll; my thoughts to distil.

As a rainbow of the sunset descends
and the balmy breeze washes over sand
that tickles between toes and carefree hand,
I'm in the company of valued friends.

When dappled shadows flit through darkened backstreets,
and whispers rendezvous with one another,
the usual bright spirits take a backseat.
They nurture remnants of rebounds which smother.

the lips of sunset
caress teal outcrop
damp with anticipation

When conflicts raise its ugly head real soon,
our nations won't inevitably swoon.
A time that real détente and peace attune.
Some people still record—the slights most ever stored.

thoughts lick at my consciousness
distracting me from the warm embrace
of the colour pallet unfolding
I stare with myopic eyes at the kaleidoscope

Given to rejoicing of her talent,
but born neither for this time nor this world,
when doves cry: knowledge of her is latent,
in the raw state and unfettered hurled

Suzette Richards Biography

I am a retired bookkeeper and had relocated on 1 December 2013 to the Upper Karoo region in South Africa, after being born and raised in the Western Cape. It was a challenge to adapt to the very different lifestyle, but I had found it inspirational. I had relocated during June 2017 to the Low Veld: a semi-tropical area adjacent to the world-renowned Kruger National Park. My new house was situated in the Jock of the Bushveld Conservancy/Peebles Valley - a paradise! Lotus flowers in all colours of the rainbow grew in the dam in front of my house. Since December 2018, the Highveld has become my new home. South Africa has many amazing enclaves which welcome one with open arms - the adventure continues … I'm a poet that questions her environment and expresses her views via poetry. I am always open to the challenge to try new poetic forms - to date, I have mastered over 200 poetic forms and have designed forms that bear my name: Suzette Prime, Suzette sonnet and Suzcrostic, as well as The Tesla 3-6-9, and Phi poem.)

The Best Poem Of Suzette Richards

My Legacy

you cannot calculate my legacy in monetary value
or in market shares
neither in some property
nor anything tangible

I leave you my soul
recorded in poetry
and thoughts
I share
with those of you with an ear for the essence of me
but unlike Keats not have my name written in water

Suzette Richards Comments

Suzette Richards Quotes

When the poets fall silent man will not only lose his voice but also the notion of Life. ~Suzette Richards

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