Suzette Richards Poems

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My Legacy

you cannot calculate my legacy in monetary value
or in market shares
neither in some property
nor anything tangible

The Days Of Wine And Roses

If Time could turn the clock back; hold onto
the memories of yesteryear's echo.
Again we feast on lavish game banquets,
and Bacchus couldn't put a foot wrong then.

A Priceless Gift

I hold myself rigid within the framework of creeds
imposed upon me by the secular world at large.
I resist the urge to become totally feral.

He Has A Name

When the poets fall silent Man will not only lose his voice but also the notion of Life. ~Suzette Richards

Steeped in the pain of his slain countryman,
surrounded by the turmoil of real fears

Golden Ratio - Phi Poem

Run with the idea while hot;


Santa Is In Hiding

There was an old man who looked so-so,
Whose fat belly bounced like a yo-yo.
Popular once a year
For bringing some real cheer.

The Perfidy Of Memoirs

gripping the shards of memories
ignoring the bloodied emotions
why do we torture ourselves
with that which we cannot change?

Winner Takes All

Secure in his mind's intrigue -
charmed by a myriad mystique.
Compassion our conscience strum:
romantic, loathsome hokum.

The Cup Of Life

Fresh to this world, we have learned all things new.
Luck and fortune only smile on a few.
As death would sneak up bestowing our rest,
chasing windmills of mind we should askew.

Thank You, Ma'am - (Queen Elizabeth Ii)

Gracious and a constant all my life,
not bending to public opinion o' strife,
your sharp wit could cut like a Bowie knife.
With statesmen you did meet—had an excellent seat.

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