taylor wiebe Poems

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Pushing Forward

why do we run after something that impossible to catch
we know we will never win the end prize
yet we still run, pushing ourselves to be faster, stronger, better
I’ve realized that we don’t just push ourselves to get the wining prize

Walls I'Ve Built

i love how the things, you let go of
slowly crawl back to your side
and question your ways
you made the decision for a reason

Smile Because You Deserve To;

bounce back fast
never look back at what you left behind
there’s a reason why it’s not with you now
smile like today’s your last day

Everywhere I Turn

Your name mocks me
Your face haunts me
Every corner I turn
You are there;


lonely is such a word
of unique experience
loneliness can seem to go one forever
as you walk up and down the dark path with no one holding your hand

Over The Edge

anger full-fills me
as I near the cliff
toes over the edge
I jump and feel no lift

All In The Name Of Love

Love is blind
Love is cruel
Love is irrational and irresponsible
Love is more than me,

What We Girls Do Best;

The nights still young and so are we,
Baby let’s take advantage of this, while were still free
We’ll laugh, we’ll cry
But the one thing we will never do, is say goodbye

Beneath All My Lies

Lying takes true talent
I can make you believe I like you
when really I despise you
I can make you believe I moved on

A Hug

His hugs embrace me
The tight yet gentle squeeze
I find myself wrapped in your arms,
I lean my head on your shoulder

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