Terence George Craddock Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Seasons Of Hearts

who dares knows best reads seasons of hearts
sometimes in seasons of thought mind clouds in worries

freezes into cold winter inaction

Thieves Prey Upon Innocent Easy Victims

the thief who preys upon innocent people
is as mean as a nasty beak mugging parrot
coveting shiny things stealing beak and claw
greedy greedy greedy thieves steal more more more

Tragedy School Boy Weekdays: Woke Late Running Fast

waking to the tragedy
of school boy weekdays
waking slow reluctant
to face school days dragging;

Ink Drained Pens Sacred Pens

an inspired insight into the power of the pen
once in dark age before electronic keyboards
word processing power instant fingertip corrections

Age At First Is Unseen

age at first
is unseen
youth is a dream

Search Quest Cinderella Slipper Perfection Fit Moment

monochrome blue life shape shift metamorphosis
transforms into rainbow colours resplendent hues
in leaping light when true love lover transcendence

Hostility Or Hospitality?

in the hospitality industry
which personality

is most suitable

Table Manners At All Times

rules for growing up in large families?
first up best dressed last up nothing left
unless you want to be styled in worst
hand me downs torn worst worn out

Dying Winter Tree

the tree shivers
as the winter breeze
drifts by

Who Loves Who Hates Me?

greed hates me
wealth hates me
power hates me

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