Terence George Craddock Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Do Not Drink Bitter Cup Worry And Fear

worry and fear can stealth creep
into our lives like rain clouds
gathering on a warm sunny day

Reign Of Art Hotel Impolite Proprietress

impolite proprietress
still illusion smiles hides
behind deception hands

Kindness Proven Forgiveness Woven

Convinced We Are Still Looking Awesome!

sometimes beauty is deep skin
my eldest daughter says when
my eyes smile they shine
look beautiful

On The Edge Life Lived On The Limit

life on the limit
life on the edge
is fast time

Picture Images In The Mind

she wanted
to get the picture
of him in her mind

Civilizations Society Bestows Prestige Images

prehistoric cave paintings
drawn painted etched into walls
flicker alive in candlelight fascinates
living hands offer time capsules

Balance Ease Of Mobility

funny how being laid back balanced
not really trying trying too hard
not stressed tense makes doing things

Playing Cowboys And Indians To Wounded Knee

in those far away days of play
in that time of long hot summer days
in the school yard released from classrooms
in morning break perhaps at lunchtime

That First Shy Look Eternal

the look of love
that first shy look
an indelible irreplaceable
treasure forever soul soft glow

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