Thomas Kane

Thomas Kane Poems

Bare is the ground
One left to lonely ways
Day dawns and passes away
The same sorrow song

Divine Beauty that catches the eye
A gift of life, carry, and sacrifice
So much good comes from a woman's worth
Be sure to value and dare not price

Oh ye poet of poems, the father of inked lines
Penned words posted by many intrinsic minds
Nature's power and awe a poet need not endure
Waves crashing joy upon the rocky synapses


When you stumble so
Catch and try to go
For if you have fallen though
Just get up and know

Was late that eve the serpent sly as none other
Deception hiss per word spoken like that of a brother
The story captures the imagination and invokes
Morals the white and sin be rite black provokes

Waste not in winter's eve.
Taste soon apples heir.
First sin cast out of gardens glow.
Least be found, what clay we ground

Man shared snared and flared
Greed got green as gold scratches
Backs not a thing cats climbing wall
Fatter and fatter baby balloon baboon behavior

Bare is the ground
One left to lonely ways
Day dawns and passes way
The same sorrow rhythmatic song

Like the kid in the candy store
I stand looking at the things I adore
Sweet little treats as I shuffle my feet
To choose one of the many is an incredible feat

So I lay down a nestle
With you an intimate wrestle
Passion pours the cup of wine
Pleasure plucks that very vine


The shadow over head
Dark this cloud of the dead
Secrets never told or read
Only echos of the past instead

There was moment in a long ago time
When people talked their stories shine
Brighten the day with a simple rhyme
So this was good in fact, just fine

The times we find in a line looks so simple
Life's major events drawn out till your end
History we all make it, but did you truly embrace it


Servant to a greater God good Is the sound now
Trumpet of the Angel mighty and loud
Sing for the saints so many know how
Hallow is he who holds the faith strong

Glory Given before we Go
A collective of what I know
A masterpiece a master knows
The cornerstone starts the row

Thomas Kane Biography

At a time when things stood I Iron my folly and refine silver bearing a legend of gold. Naki make naked so enlil could bear seed for Anu whom was deceived at birth as enki. I ask Y and H begotten to W whom set parts in heaven and gave Holy to its definition. Wig is Wise to avoid many of satans off spring and crafts. I Aaron Will salt serpents with a staff of pepper and Word soup kills the unworthy worshiper.)

The Best Poem Of Thomas Kane

Heart Seed Of Love

Bare is the ground
One left to lonely ways
Day dawns and passes away
The same sorrow song
Dreams so close leaves one to wishes

Search for a soul and I found!
One left to their lonely ways
May it be wrong to excite in one's dismay
Perhaps but it won't last long
Dreams of a day with long shared kisses

Love be gathered as the seed
So here I sow with all my heart
Words rehearsed and once more played out
As my mouth opens the mind draws blank
I panic trip and stumble for a word

Audible noises is all that can be heard
Beet red as the blood rushes to my face
The sting felt like a slap or sunburn
As we bask in the unforgiving silence
There we both stand in the wake of its aftermath

Seconds run long stretched to the limit
Onlookers pointing, staring in horror
The train wreck crop, what have I planted?
Derailed the encroaching doom looms overhead
Then a sudden burst! an explosion!

Laughter wails out like a fog horn bellows
Shocked with relief a smile cracks
Calming sensations extinguish the fear
As I notice beauty radiating from you my dear
Purest the souls delight with you in my sight

The seed sown of heart yeild love everlasting
Tears of laughter water away to this day
I met the most wonderful soul
Let it be many years of joy we share as we grow old
As pleasing to the eyes and tender on the heart

Never will this feeling fade

Thomas Kane Comments

Thomas Kane Quotes

Don't live life by weight or measure but build by the rule and you will be sure to find pleasure.

manifestum lumen ex intus

You do not gain by reducing nor will you ever, but you gain by knowing of all things reduced.

The achievable is expanding at the rate of things known.


I have found myself digging to deep in some areas just to realize I should have been climbing to new heights

A revised law is a flawed law

A story told to reach a new level is a lie, a story built reaches a new level even if it was never told.

Today like any night lacks light Tomorrow never comes I tend Two by two like it or don't The Gods are one and and nothing is ever done.

A book of old fathers lies(set apart the word) to confuse the word from its self makes a hard language to build faith upon. -Anukian-

13 babies Ladies and 1 statue 11 lines squatcher. -raveno-

Ghost of the host a rotten tomb rides me bellow. -deathspeaks-

A nugget and a chicken cross winds and reigns for slips, all hope goes fishy fat and eye hears about it.-thought-

Go laid a line of coke, straw caused man to sin. Breath of LIfe is it your fault? -GOD-

Son of Monkey walks into bar bare falls from it. Shitting in the woods again? Father Above-

Lead me had it erode my liver again and hallow is off this ween. -hallow-(apples2adolltrees) candy (John) 1/16th

Oats Wild Poem of poems appears on my title document plated J27-CAR (fathers note) . -lost-Steer-wheels "quoted"

Oats Wild Poem of poems appears on my title document plated J27-CAR (fathers note) . -lost-Steer-wheels

Oats Wild Poem of poems appears on my title document plated (fathers note) . -lost-Steer-wheels

'Life is on and on the mind i have to hold it, knot tied tethered loose and shallow, mine melted! ' Box O Chalk

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