Trade Martin Poems

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Love's Ride

Hazy visions…., a while ago….,
When we took Love’s Ride….,
How could we know….? ? ?
Movin’ much too fast…., without concern….,

'You Make Me Lose All Control'

You Make Me Lose All Control….,
It’s your love…, a miracle…, that I’ve come to hold….,
I’ve waited so long…, for this moment…, a feeling so bold…,
It’s so hard to believe…, that you’re here with me….,

'Room Temperature'

Room Temperature....,
He's bought the farm...,
Room Temperature....,
He can't do us no harm....,

Gold Bullion Free

You just pay shipping, insurance….,
Handling, taxes, armored truck rental….,
And a union crew of five men for delivery….! ! !

Merry Two Days Before Christmas

It’s getting closer and closer…..,
Soon it will be here…..,
The big day of presents and gifts…..,
Many pieces of apparel will be the wrong size….,

Outer Space Intergalactic Fanatic Intercourse

Millions of light years away……,
In a protective space outfit….,
Unlike the tan pants suit….,
That Rodham wears…..,

(third stanza)
I feel I know you well…,
Though face to face…..,
We’ve never met….,

'The Rabbit And The Pretty Wild Flower'

The rabbit spoke to the pretty wild flower….,
But the flower didn’t answer….,
The rabbit sniffed the pretty wild flower….,
Still no reaction…, no answer….,

'The Fool Has Been Revealed”

Sure you can make fun of him….,
He’s a clown always laughing….,
But deep inside he’s crying…..,
Because The Fool Has Been Revealed….,

'The Falcon Rides The Wind'

His silhouette glides across the sun....,
Winding through the clouds....,
The Falcon Rides The Wind....,
‘Till his lonely journey’s end....,

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