Today I look around and miss the radiant beautiful smile I so got used to
Since I set my eyes on Wendy for the first time many years ago she became part of my life until the day she departed from this world
Wendy, a loving sister who was generous with her smile whenever she sets her eyes on you
A content and peaceful soul with radiance of abundant joy of life wherever she was
Don't wake me up
I am lost in wonder
But it's a rich wonder land with no limitations
The eerie of its silence is frightening but;
Though today's pain may try to define my tomorrow
In my mind I remain strong and healthy
For today in the morning will be my yesterday
I shall say yesterday you are gone
Hold on dear child, you will make it
Mixed feeling runs through the mind
Inquisitive anxious and restless
Do you ever rest?
Or to you rest is for the lazy
Do you ever sleep?
Or to you sleep is for the coward
A cry from a son
May you be my lighthouse?
Far beyond the horizon the clouds seem to meet with the waters
I fail to imagine beyond the silver lining in the horizon
I am a monster, unwelcome visitor
The dreaded one though I come as an aftermath
I come to stay but not for long
The strong and wise know how to welcome me, and show me out quickly
Anxious and curious to push the usual boundaries
Cast on stone by human imagination
Water and fire cannot co-exist
To quench your thirst and water barren dried out lands felt within you just let go
Light and darkness cannot co-exist
As I enter the door, my spirit crushed by the turmoil of the day
Weariness rejoicing balefully though for a moment
Your small sparkling eyes are a reflection of hope
Your beautiful smile melts the doubts and fears for the day