Valsa George Poems

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Limerick- On Rhymes

At night, lying down on my cosy bed
Beautiful rhymes keep coming to my head
On trying to capture them,
I succeed to put down some

The Ballad Of The Slums

The world hurtles on unmindful
Leaving behind those who cannot keep pace
So many are under constant grind
To earn a square meal a day

Limerick- Late Knowledge

As darkness spread and the light was out
I stayed wide awake all through the night
To see where the sun went
And lay inside my tent

Pervasive Grandeur

In grandeur, a leaf of grass is no less high
Than all the glittering stars in the sky

There is beauty alike in weed and reed

Limerick.30. What Says The Autopsy

Each day he drank a bottle of rum whole
And in his liver was found a big hole
Sad, met with a sudden death
His doctor said in one breath

Cloud Burst

As a bolt from the blue, all over me,
I felt a thousand tiny needle pricks
The clouds above had burst
Leaving me soaked in rain

My Home

We live in a house so simple and nice
With a garden lined with crotons in rows
Not so neatly trimmed or pruned as before
And a lawn not always well manicured

Twin Faces

I am on the sea
Its wild waters surround me
And the thundering waves
Rant and rave around me

Wave And Shore

We are the wave
and the shore
embracing and drifting apart
meeting only for seconds

My Fractured Identity

After years of aimless wanderings
Leaving behind the cities of midnight revels
And the fevered journey in metro rails,
I am back at the land of my people.

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