A tombstone is my thought,
I made my tomb out of thoughts
I knitted my shroud from hundreds of ideas
And out of sadness I finished my coffin.
If I knew not to die in life,
For I have died so many times,
I would turn to stardust,
To be forever immortal.
I looked for you, love, from above, with the sky,
When I asked him to draw for me,
From the clouds, a heart redder than fire
And I wrote on it with my own hand,
I am the master of nothing
An eternal slave without a tool
A traveler in this world
A poor unknowing soul.
The immense feeling of joy that overwhelms me when I see you
Awakens my senses, dancing to a more than pleasant music
And I indulge in your kisses that tickle my self-love
With an intensity that makes me tremble with pleasure.
I met her in the middle of the summer.
It was so beautiful outside!
We've said each other a thousand words
I can't remember all of them.
Lost from my people, I found solace in the painted canvas of the sky and the infinity of rainbows, and to drive away my loneliness
I played with the madness of my thoughts
and the warmth of my heart.
I am cold and I drive myself away
From a grave made of clay
With yellow-colored edges,
And the earth as its lid.
Oh, how beautiful are the spots of light on the black carpet of my heart,
For all that brightens my heart are the moments with you.
Your smiles are like edelweiss on the mountain peaks and water lilies in the lake.
When I am old, I will watch the sea,
Far from the waves, I will stand on fine sand,
With a hat on my head to shield me from the sun
And a glass of wine in my trembling hand.
I am the prisoner of the ice voices
That talk to me with a lashing air
About cold and dark lands
Where forever, I will find my grave.
The tree is today a year older, and while
It shakes its leaves in the autumn wind,
From the ethereal dance beyond time,
The saints create a bridge to the earth.
I dig at the root of solar stars
To find my lost soul
Through the galaxy of past worlds
I misplaced it in a faint regret.
How did I become a human from stardust?
Born from stardust, a prisoner of the sky and earth,
Hidden by the distant stars and scattered by the wind in the night,
I feel like a nobody among forests and mountains, among rocks and cliffs.
Life leads me in mourning on an anniversary day,
Among a bleak backdrop of ice and emptiness,
Pure indifference in my troubled heart,
I am sent from death in a new adventure.
Freedom hides in me,
A barbaric source of madness,
Exposed in life to die,
Am I too lucid or a dreamer?
Do not be afraid as you pass through this life
Without understanding why you were born,
For you have lost your list of tasks
In the era when you were just clay.
If the wind were my best friend,
I would raise the ship of loneliness up to the sky
And I would hide in the thick mist of the clouds,
So I wouldn't feel my mortal pain anymore.
The water lilies bathe in ripples of water,
Just as you bathe in my eyes,
And from the sky the beautiful moon
Illuminates you like in fairy tales.
The poet Vasile Serban was born in 1978 în One? ti, România and is living now in Wales, United Kingdom. In 2017, he published the volume of poems 'Late Night', debut book. In 2023 published the second volume of poems 'Autumn Nostalgia', which includes poems born from the author's experiences and emotions. 'The Road to Heaven' 2023, the third published volume, combines the drama and tragedy of death with the beauty and complexity of life in the verses of the poems, also offering the author's vision of the afterlife. 'The Road to Heaven', vol.2,2023, the poet opens the gate to his heart so that he can let his readers to empathise with his feelings and emotions. ‘A gram of man for eternity,2024, Editura Letras, is the latest volume published. Poetul Vasile Serban s-a nascut în 1978, în localitatea Onesti, Romania si este stabilit în Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii. A publicat urmatoarele volume: „Noapte tarzie; , Editura Sfântul Ierarh Nicolae, Braila,2017 „Nostalgii de toamna, Editura Letras, Snagov,2023 „Drumul spre cer vol.1 si 2, Editura Letras, Snagov,2023 ‘Un gram de om pentru eternitate, Editura Letras, Otopeni,2024 A aparut în antologiile: eCreator, Iarna din suflet,2023, eCreator, Unire si Cuvânt,2024, antologii coordonate de scriitorul si jurnalistul Ioan Romeo Rosiianu.)
A Shooting Star
A tombstone is my thought,
I made my tomb out of thoughts
I knitted my shroud from hundreds of ideas
And out of sadness I finished my coffin.
I buried myself in the sunrise
When no one was outside
Just me, a small and insignificant creature
I was cooling my feet in death.
I wandering with the shadow of the spirit, the moon
I then stopped at each star
I wanted to forget the earth
For no one wept at my death.
I absolutely twinned with the Universe
To invent a new star together
In which we do not put thoughts,
And I will lie forever in it.
I involuntarily remembered the past
When I saw your face in stardust
And on the day when I was working a corner of a star
I decided to visit your land.
But moments had turned into hours
And the days turned into years,
And I had traveled thousands of years
When I got to see the earth again.
From above, from the sky full of stars
I sought to see your face again,
But because I didn't find you anymore
Out of grief, I threw myself into the sea