Ace Of Black Hearts Poems

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What We Have

Being gobbled up from the inside.
Stuck between my past life, and what is right in front of me.
I can almost taste it.
A table set for two.

Forsaken King(Revised)

I'm back with a bang.
Trying to tell my story in all its glory.
A forsaken king sits on his throne waiting for the right moment.
Creating my own luster, appealing eyes watch as I bring you awe.

Facing A Train Head On Coming At Full Speed.

Running straight towards the mighty freight train.
I wonder if I will survive.
Not my first encounter.
But hopefully the last.

It Is Not Your Choice, It's Ours.

No more, no more.
Can you hear us?
Are we yet loud enough?
War ravaged, we're just tired of it.

The Smell That Follows

How dare you say that your farts don't smell bad if they're your own.
I'll have you know ever been around me after I had some eggs.
I can clear an entire house faster then entire fire department.
They run over each like mad dogs trying to escape anyway they can, the only reason I don't is I've come to the understanding that it will follow me no matter where I go.

The Unforgiving Moon

The madness of it.
How could you ever say that?
Fluffed up wishes and premature kisses.
We have just met, and already it feels as if we are going places I'm not willing go.

For The Good Of All Mankind

So you are telling me that only reason we're in this situation is we were afraid of another country uncompetitive armistice?
That it really didn't even exist till very recently.
The after effect world war 2 syndrome so to speak.
Better us to rule all other nations then somebody else is our leaders flawed beliefs.

I Can't Stop, I Just Don't Know How.

Did you hear me, I got plans.
Taking a stand, create a new brand.
Love me, or hate me.
Doesn't really matter.

It's Not Personal, It's Just Business As Usual.

I'm sorry but I just don't trust you.
Assembling an army behind computer screens.
With one goal in mind steal as much as they can.
The schemes are endless.

Just Forget About It

Just forget about it.
No more aches and pains.
You know she is no good for you.
You know the betrayal laid bare.

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