Alexander Shaumyan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Natural Music

(for Robinson Jeffers)

The rocks, the sun, the valleys, and the trees
Speak louder than all the voices of the poets,

I Do Not Trust The Experts

I do not trust the experts, whose science is for sale,
Whether they come from Harvard or MIT or Yale—
I do not trust the gurus, the mystics, or the priests,
Who claim the truth is hiding in some obscure mist.

The Day Of Reckoning

The trumpets sound, it's the time
That I was looking forward to—
The manufacturers of this coup
Will pay for all their evil crimes.

Menopausal Women

Menopause is the time that marks the end of your menstrual cycles. It's diagnosed after you've gone 12 months without a menstrual period.

A little puppy licked the face
Of its owner—

Declaration Of Independence Revisited

When the tyrants lock people down in their homes
And force them to wear masks,
Whether or not they do anything or
The 'deadly threat' is real,

Corner Wall Coming Apart In Their Movie Set

Fake virus, fake president in
The fake White House—
We live in the fakest of times
Said the fake news—

Vaccinate Yourself

Vaccinate yourself against Covid propaganda,
Against Dr. Fauci and the gain of function
Bioweapons research in the Wuhan lab in China,
Paid for by the American taxpayers—

Four Limericks

A Doctor Named Tony

There once was a doctor named Tony,
Whose science was downright phony—

The Door

for Heather

There is a door
That opens to those,

The Pied Piper

There once lived a stylish old fellow
With striped trousers and a tie,
And a jacket of red and yellow--
In his hands was a magic pipe.

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