Amy Kerswell Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Just Let Me Go

Please just let me go
Let me die in the way I want.
Stop trying to save me
Im really not worth saving.

Fighting A Losing Battle

Im fighting a losing battle
Of one Im not to win.
Deprresion depression#
And other lifes troubles.

Good Night World

Good night and good bye
evil inhumane world.
I must leave now.
I cant take no more.

Powder Cake

Im a powder cake
About to crumble
About to go to crums
About to blow

Razor Blade

Razor blade razor blade
Sharpe glass shards
Knife blades
And all things sharpe.

Come And Get Me Copper

Come and get copper.
Im here ready for ya
Im waiting
Come and get me

A Shadow Looms

A shadow is looming
Bringing with it gloom
Now i will be in the doom.

Lost In A World Of Dispare

In a world of large dispare.
In a world of sadness
And a world of greif and pain.
In a world of abuse.

At The Emptiness Of The Bottle

As the bottle slowly empties.
As I drink my way through.
I think to myself.
God your a mess.

Burning Pain

Pain and helplessness.
Burns and simmers away.
It all buns inside.
I cant rember a pain free day!

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