Aniruddha Pathak Poems

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Eleven Out Of Ten

A Tele anchor asked a biz man:
Sir, how fair you find this Budget Plan?
Bold vision all so rare,
It'd take us far and fair,

The Sun Seems To Say -Ii

Time to set, I set,
Worrying for no morrow
Which, for sure would show
Up, whether I frown or fret,

In Matters Of Faith

In matters
Of faith and trust,
I wondered
What use is proof.

A Whirlwind When Blows

Take any a poem
Of a poet well-known,
Fair chances it'd get read
With a wide spread,

Happiness Is Here

This thing called happiness!
Wanting it the most— this beast,
He still knows it the least.

To Delve On Depths

To embrace poetry abreast
You must dive deep ere reach the crest.
One, happy at the shallow bank
Can't fill his poesy's wide flank;

Antique Is Still An Asset

Like a gold coin, not just gilded,
I once was a valued asset,
In currency and well traded;
But now, loose change, tolerated

Thou Art No Common

I oft shooed thee as bird of barest brain,
No, ye do hide behind some talent rare,
Should a rare hand nurture ye to train,
Thine sense of shades I doubt any may share.

Edward Lear Sans Peer

Of nonsensical verse, un-anoint,
A pioneer that lacked not a point.
Poems with no punch line
On verge of asinine,

In Corontine

Times are getting dangerously cold
From perennial spring times of the old,
What with locked up church doors
And chilling news that pores,

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