Aria Winters

Aria Winters Poems

I can't help but remember
All the times we were together
Now you're gone
A phantom

They used to walk together
Now they walk alone
their paths twisted and torn
The best year of her life

I'm fine
I'm gonna be fine
Even if right now I'm not

All my life I've been so lonely
always walking on my own
fading from reality
I've become a ghost


On the peaks of the dawning day
I open my eyes
I will no longer cry
For I have survived

The horizon was gray, a cold play
Only ice and breeze
cold in my chest
Dawn was colorless

Love has another end
The ravens come to caw again
To laugh at the girl
Who thought she could love again

It's a war I fight
Maybe all alone
Maybe nobody knows
how I feel

The sea is hungry
The waves are crashing
The storm is pounding
Beating the earth's heart


There are so many things wrong
Grief is killing me
It runs so deep
I cut

I'm trying to think
Trying to breathe
cry myself to sleep
cause how could you be so gone?


Sometimes I wonder if the pain will stop
If my heart will stop breaking
I know he's gone now
But He never really left me at all

Walk with me
I'll walk with you
Hand in hand

I'm walking through a slimy foggy world and I can't find any way out. That simple light of my world has flashed off and away. Little interest, slimy sorrow, all the things that were once fun they are long over and done. No ease to the brain and sorrow it pours over us dragging us down, down, down into a slimy cold graying river of sorrow suppose we are built with stone our minds tortured and grim, hauntings of past or future drag us down to ways of little or no return things feel wrong to feel Ahh judgments are in the air but we still get pulled and dragged way, way down a slimy cold river of sorrow turning us to stone never fear the end isn't near we may be tortured but there's a desire to live and breathe Ahh yes we are the broken never a dull moment I suppose to the other eye they see fine perhaps even pretty? But they see no further than to skin while deep down in our bones and our detached souls we are the broken our commands of light never answer the broken shadow of us we may haunt others the strong the ones that have broken us and torn us from good screams of our voices broken by dawn the slime of our sorrow moved to yours sure we have differences but our shared river of loneliness, sorrow, destroyed love, our world is different why can't you see? Perhaps you pretend to seam the hurt the pain but you really can't wrap it around your brain perhaps the untouched wonder or ask how can one be like that? It must be a tale A faking of such! But truly we walk around in haze these days only lighted by friends but guarded with stone and perhaps sorrow Indeed you may ask but truly our days of our heads held proud It's no longer around we hang our heads in defeat showing that truly as we walk perhaps drown in the slimy river that we know as sorrow we must be built of stone the river of sorrow it clearly seems our feet are sinking perhaps there's a door somewhere upon this foggy mist perhaps we'll escape someday...

Sometimes I don't know what's going on
My mind is spinning
Things are so frightening
I don't know what's wrong

I know it is dark
But i can't breathe
I know there's light
But I can't see it


My heart is crying
My head is pounding
Depression, anxiety
I hate it all

Aria Winters Biography

Hello fellow poets, I am named Anna, I am 16 so I am a young poet, I like to write in darkness because where there is darkness there is light. And beauty you just have to look beyond the dying feeling of gray in order to see the jewels in the darkness. So Yeah I am a very dark poet. I have plenty of mental illnesses that can sometimes leave me in a cold pit clawing my way out. feeling frozen or too warm. So these are the poetry that come from that dark pit and saved me my troubles.)

The Best Poem Of Aria Winters

Just Pretend

I can't help but remember
All the times we were together
Now you're gone
A phantom
A fleeting memory
My heart is more than broken
I thought I was over it
But I'm not
Its all just pretend
The smile on my face
The laugh in my throat
The sparkle in my eyes
Its not real
I'm a void
The growing chasm of grief
I lost everything
Everything that could've been
Never knowing what it would've been
Only knowing what is
I'm so empty
Nothing fills the holes
The hole in my heart;
It cannot be patched
The hole in my gut;
It cannot be filled
The emptiness
It sits in my chest
It grows and grows
I want to be numb
I want to forget
Forget that you were there
Because I am a fool
And I fell in love with you
Now I'm crumbling to pieces
Too sad to cry
The grief is killing me
Its all just pretend you know
That swagger and smirk
That sarcasm and wit
I forgot what I'm fine stands for
Its all just pretend
The only thing that's real
Is how I feel
I miss what could've been
I miss you
Now you're gone
And I'm playing a game
Playing my sad songs
Cause I can't bear the silence
I'm so empty
So sad
It was over before it even began...

Aria Winters Comments

Aria Winters Quotes

It doesn't matter if you have a beautiful face if you have an even more beautiful heart.

The more we know about the people who surround us the more we can know about ourselves.

We're all a little crazy... Sometimes...

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