Aparna Sinha

Aparna Sinha Poems

You laughed and mocked
And kicked me hard
For you pray mammon I pray god
I have your coin you threw on me

Birds do not sing to me now...
Breeze does not whisper.....
No cloud cuddles me… Sun does not smile
Selene do not dress me in darkness,

People - so strange
I cannot read their heart
I stand there glaring at their smile
And I am lost

I have fallen, I am bleeding
Hold me like you always do
Wipe my tears, make me laugh
Tell me “how much I mean to you”

Why have I been deserted? when others herd together
Why do I have to stand naked under scorching sun? alone?
Why have I faced the coldest storm that needle my skin to blue?
Why does a deluge leave me drenched and storm put me off my feet

Tears that are in my eyes
are not-Sorrow of barren Land
Where life barely exists
And sound of rain is lost in ocean of sand

Music is enchanting
It has Strong power
To move you, with it
In Trance! !

Sometime it has given fruits
That lasted for months
And some seasons just flowers bushy
‘Why don't you cut it? '

Aparna Sinha Biography

My Blog, talks about my day to day misries & ecstacy.. http: //ephemeralelysian.blogspot.in/)

The Best Poem Of Aparna Sinha

I Am What I Am

You laughed and mocked
And kicked me hard
For you pray mammon I pray god
I have your coin you threw on me
Nothing is what it means to you
For mammon has blessed thee
But, I am blinded with its gleam
I could keep it forever
It’s where I build my dream(s)
And that is how I am….
I struggle and fight
To reach a place where your glitter
Is outshined by my light
There I shall be when I can
And that’s what I am…..

I am bruised I am battered
By your whims so hollow
Coz you made rules for me to follow
It was not frailty- I just loved thee
But you doubted my tears
Now I want to be free.
Lift my veil and see
I am Durga Saraswati Kaali**
That is what I am….
I stood up and survived
All your lies and illusion
Undulated by your fake promises
Now I am destined for my own Elysian
I will get it when I can
That is what I am…

They thrashed me bashed me
And spoiled my name
Only because I am not the same
As they wanted each soul on earth to be
Silent victim of their cruelty
For I wanted to lift my head high
With no reason for shame
Before I die
That is how I am
I am ready I am armed
With simple truths of life
Much stronger than your wizardry
I see a better tomorrow
Over you all that will be my victory
I will win it when I can
I am what I am

But for you men are not equal
Alas! they are ranked on same soil they trod
By Money Color even God
And I am punished for making a new start
Questioning your sovereignty! !
For retaining my dignity
And for connecting men heart to heart
Ah! You cannot kill me!
For I will born again
I am what I am and will remain

P.S ** Hindu Godess of supremacy, learning and power
(To all who struggled and survived and are ready to make change)

Aparna Sinha Comments

Shona Sengupta 08 November 2009

Please comment on my poems, I really think that your poems are equivalent to the shooting stars rarely visible in the sky. they are as outstanding as you are as a poet.

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Diwakar Set 15 September 2009

That's the spirit of womanhood....

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