Aron Lelei

Aron Lelei Poems

Do not text me or think otherwise
I am just picking flowers from my garden.
Last evening I picked a red rose but
Wow! It proved to be too red for my date

Today is a day to reckon,
A day to reflect and wince.
An overdue date longed for
When the truth must be told and done

I may not have heard her last words
But she mumbled a handful of clauses.
In her ultimate painful moments’ experience,
Her hugs and kisses were more than of an ordinary mother

My sweet memories of yesterday are as new as ever
They are aerated each passing day and season
And they never shall grow old or dim
Unless when am old enough to be a liability

If I take you as my sister,
I should express my love to you.
If i take myself to care for you,
I should remember your Birthday.

To have a mentor is great
One who rises early every morn
Collects nectar and worms
All in readiness for the day ahead

A moment to think
A day in memento
A season to reconcile
And a date to enter history

May be a pity to face the electrocution
Less to the suicidal thought when the noose nears
But the noose may be such sweet when brought loosely.
The sight of the hangman may be terrifying

In all your walks and works of life
The roses may prickle your feet
Thorns scars your poor feet as hatred tramples your heart.
Neither do not fein nor haste

Today’s sky was pale and grey,
It was blanketed with thick nimbus clouds
Signs of gloom, tears of joy filled the sky
Floods of mist formed in the corners of the sky

The kitchen gets everybody's attention.
It serves as an attraction to an hungry stomach.
Let alone a belching belly full of gas.
What a room to offer service to all 'tourists'.

Virtues are mere compressed values
May be numerical or notations
But all describes what is in a man.
It may be an acumulation of crowns

Wails, cries rings down the valley.
Women cry foul of abuse
Children wail for deprived rights
While men sob for depression

I love chapati in all its makes,
Be it nicknamed, “nylon”, “Leopard’s skin”, or mere “chapo”,
It tastes the same and ingredients likewise.
Bake it with whatever flour, it is called chapati.

I may not have heard the jubilation
But the hurrays conducted were splendid
The feeling of joy and plenitude pleasure
Of inception of an incarnate being

I stand amazed at the leeway highway,
The road that seems to lead to my success
But at the back of my memory,
The road ahead leads to a dead end.

Sometimes the things we see and value,
Will one day let us down in amusements.
Sometimes the family we so far and in length,
Cherish, adore and love will crumble down

Seated basking on an evening warm sun rays,
Relaxed on the couch covered with fur,
I gazed into the tomorrow’s happiness.
I can’t stop but wonder of its beauty.

Today’s sky was pale and grey,
It was blanketed with thick nimbus clouds
Signs of gloom, tears of joy filled the sky
Floods of mist formed in the corners of the sky

A day without a flower nor a plant
A journey without a hill and a valley
A river without a source and a mouth
But not a man/girl without love

The Best Poem Of Aron Lelei

Pink Flowers.

Do not text me or think otherwise
I am just picking flowers from my garden.
Last evening I picked a red rose but
Wow! It proved to be too red for my date
Today I visited the same garden
The only flower I found was a white rose.
Where is my favourite pink rose?

This morning I cycled to the market
Sure, to buy my date a pink rose
But the only roses there were yellow and purple.
Tried to enquire where I could get one
But no one knows where to find.
Went to my flower vendor but nowhere to find
Where will I get my pink rose for my date?

Tomorrow, I'll travel far and wide
Only to get this precious pink flower
And if I succeed, my date will be happy
And my heart will find a solace rest
Amidst the residue of love petals
Just with the pink flower petals.
Where will I get my Pink rose flower?

(Dedicated for my pink flower date)

Aron Lelei Comments

Aron Lelei Quotes

The brains are the greatest manufacturers of information that befits the existence of man.

When you least expect it, it rains in torrents

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