Benjamin Debrah

Benjamin Debrah Poems


By the cry she could infer
The urgency of the request
And with care she would defer
The show her eyes seek first

If you cross, you win
It does not matter how you begin
It is how you end
Keep it in mind friend

That night was cold
It was cold for the young, the old and the bold
That same night freedom was sold
Its mysteries are yet to be told

At the ceremony, they gave me wine
They also gave me water
They drew the line
That I may not falter

It is time to say it is enough
It is time to bridge the gap
It is time to undo the harm
It is time to stop the bleeding from the gum

I stood there confused
I was just standing there
I didn't know which way to choose
They all seemed to go somewhere


I'm a nice guy
You don't need to ask why:
When I speak lives begin to shine
When I'm around people feel fine

Yester-night I prayed for you
I started at eleven fifty-eight
It wasn't something I had planned to do
It was something I felt you could relate


Do not be far from me
Do not turn your ears against my plea
If the door is locked, you are the key
If the place is dark, you are the light I see

I don't know what to say
I wonder why I continued to disobey
Well I have had enough of the roam
I want to go back home

From afar, you can spell
Look at me, you can tell
The perfume I'm wearing, you couldn't smell
The flies are chasing, they like me well


I'll still be here
I'll tell the story of this year
And my children will listen to history
I'm a survivor; that isn't a mystery

Unnoticed savior, a steady flame
That burns with purpose, always and same
Often ignored, but efforts shine
Invisible cape with love's design

Benjamin Debrah Biography

Ben Debrah is a lover of good reads and original music...his reading is particularly skewed to novels, poetry and similar stuff)

The Best Poem Of Benjamin Debrah


By the cry she could infer
The urgency of the request
And with care she would defer
The show her eyes seek first

By the mat she lays wake
Waiting for that sleep
She jerks up for the child's sake
To ensure the baby's relief

By the stench she eats
In the urine she takes her seat
With tender heart she cuddles with ease
Until the baby retreats

Treat her child badly
And she'll never forget
She'll pounce on you - madly
And never regret

Benjamin Debrah Comments

Benjamin Debrah Quotes

In a fast-paced world, patience is often seen to be dull, boring, inactive, weak...I tell you what...patience is always attractive

Every second and minute, you are of such is called indecision

Don't brood over the steps - it can never be concerned about whether you left footprints or not

The people who made Nike just did it...they didn't think about making mistakes...and now, it's all correct

One moment, it could be daydream...the next...nightmare

The human being is an art, but more of a science, and if you will observe carefully, you'll conclude that we're all crooked pointers trying to make straight lines

Most people dread that thing called tomorrow...they're constantly scared...they feel scared of what will follow

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