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Innocent eyes a snare to my heart, a nightmare that tears me apart,
I wish, you'd never crossed my way or that I'd kept you at bay,
But now, you're forever etched in my mind,
A love, I wish I could leave behind.,

A Struggle To Illuminate

Amidst the gleaming Eid lights that surround,
My inner light dwindles and falls to the ground,
The festivities may be ablaze with delight,
But my own flame flickers, struggling to fight.

I Am Leaving To Earn You….

My love for you, a flame that burns bright,
But alas, it's not enough to keep us alight.
We dreamed of a life, a world of our own,
But reality, it seems, has other plans shown.

Losing Myself

One day, you'll come searching for me,
But I'll not be there, to see.
The day when you'll understand, my love's true worth,
The day when you'll finally see, my words were not just mirth.

Please Don't Ask Me, "How Are You"

Please don't ask me 'How are you, '
My heart is heavy, my mind askew.
Tired of lying, tired of the guise,
I'm not fine, I'm not good, let me be true.

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