My daughter Sheetal Mehta-Happy birthday
Friday,11th Feb 2022
my daughter
Great Journey-75th Birthday Great Journey-75th Birthday
Monday,17th May 2021
Great journey
Her Birthday
Monday,11th February 2019
Happy Birthday to you Dear daughter Sheetal Mehta
Happy birthday
My little daughter has turned new leaf
Her birthday maybe very short or brief
Happy Birthday My Dear Son-
Tarun Mehta
Wednesday,11th Aug 2021
Happy Great Birthday
Friday,22nd May 2020
Sania and mom
Birthday gift-Sania Zakir
Tuesday,8h Feb 2022
The garden is no garden
if beautiful flowers are not seen
Birthday celebration
Friday,17th May 2019
Sania Zakir is celebrating a birthday with Hasmukh Mehta.
Well wishes-Birthday
Sunday,17th May 2020
It might have skipped by mind
Birthday for twins
Thursday,21st Oct 2021
I have twins
to win my heart
My birthday
Wednesday.18th December 2019
I am entering new year
Happy Birthday-Crown Prince
Friday,8th May 2020
May almighty Allah grace him long life and honor
Happy birthday Mr. President
India has got true friend
We appreciate the trend of President Trump
Happy Birthday- Epitacio
Saturday,21st November 2020
My friends and dear one
Birthday- memorable event
Crown prince-Birland
Thursday,5th August 2021
Let me wish you many more happy and bright days
I wish to be guided by you in my own ways
Will you hold me forever and take to the end
Many best wishes of the day for you to be sent
Congratulation on birthday
Tuesday,18th June 2019
Real congratulation
I shall silently enter sixty six
Life had tried enough for me to fix
Yes time flowed like river water
Something to seek and something to run after
Happy birthday and well wishes
Saturday,21st Nov 2021
Many more wishes are due
Live happily and enjoy
I wish full day with joy
Birthday wishes
Wednesday,4th July 2018
We wish you happy and long life
Happy birthday
Friday, December 22,2017
7: 18 AM
The name carries meaning of love
If I remember mother merry and believe
Your are replica and symbol
Today is the nice occasion to call
Happy birthday
Desert people may not know
How the camel may turn his back and go?
Birthday importance
Birth day has special reference
Even thought it comes only once in year
Birthday speaks
Sunday,8th August 2021
Remember and memorise
Happy Birthday-Dear Prabidhi
Saturday,29th August 2020
Happy birthday to you, for dear daughter
Congrats on Nanay's birthday
Monday, October 12,2020
1: 09 PM
Happy birthday-Sabrina Rubin
Wednesday, April 8,2020
10: 20 AM
Tuesday,21st July 2020
I am reborn each year
Wishes for Birthday
Friday,1st May 2020
Princess, happy birthday to you
Happy birthday and wishes
Saturday,5th January 2019
Happy birthday and good wishes
The birthday is…….
Friday,17th August 2018
The birthday is a birthday
On Birth Day
Celebrate the birthday
As an auspicious day
For happy birthday
Yes, it is sister
Who is wishing to brother?
That is how birthday is remembered
Congratulation pours from family members
Person may look back and evaluate
Open up freely for past memories to relate
I sent you on earth
With clear acceptance of death
You were to act as an emissary
For the welfare and cause of humanity
Happy birthday
Monday, March 26,2018
7: 17 AM
Today is happy birthday
Even though it is not my day
I feel the joy of being part
But feeling shy that how to start?
No more birthday celebration
Monday,30th September 2019
I stand before the gate
Happy birthday and well wishes
Saturday,21st Nov 2021
Congrats on birthday-Rachel
What does the mother hold?
Tuesday,4th May 2021
Birthday is reminder
Pleasure-Happy Birthday
Sunday,20th December 2020
Happy birthday dear
Friday,31st May 2019
Your name suggests as Mr. Chug
Happy birthday and
Thursday,15th November 2018
let me wish you a happy birthday
Happy birthday
I wish my heartiest congratulation
On your birthday celebration