Bri Mar Poems

Hit Title Date Added
'' I Wonder What Next They'll Contrive ''

I find it odd,
You can't question God,
As he doesn't do face to face,
These deities we laud,

'' Believe Me, You'll Thrive ''

Search not for that,
You're never likely to find,
The pipistrelle bat,
In reality's not blind.

'' They're Not The Ones Who Fight ''

Kim Yong Un and Donald Trump,
Through insults at each other,
That's until one takes the hump,
The outcome? it's we who'll smother.


This very word,
Is so often abused,
In reality it's blurred,
It leaves us confused.

'' True Beauty Comes From Within ''

Searching for a cure,
Has a certain allure,
Depending on which way you're leaning,
Will you feel secure,

'' You've Got To Be Rotten ''

Politicians tell lies,
Their ways we despise,
Of false promises, we tend to take note,
What one says the other denies,

'' To Remain In Control ''

Treasure what's yours,
Earn what's not,
Hard work procures,
Whatever you've sought.

'' Justice And Equality For All ''

Feminism some say,
Should just go away,
It's a word that fills them with dread,
Ask yourself why,

'' What Have You Given Life ''

What has life given me?
Is the question we ask,
We say it without any thought,
Look and you'll see,

'' Could It Be, That Religion's A Lie ''

Is heaven a dream,
Where the being supreme,
Lords over all his creations,
Disobey his rules,

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