Cece Winters

Cece Winters Poems


Why do you have to be so rude?
iMessage has issues with signals sometimes
Yet you called me immature for saying it might be your internet connection.

Depression is not an object,
nor is it to be romanticised.

Depression is wanting to harm yourself mentally.

You don't know my life,
You don't know the struggles I've been through,
You don't know the things I dealt with,
Or the people who have hurt me,

We almost knew what love really was all about
We tried for a month to show each other how we felt
Later I wondered what we gave up.
If only I had known that you wanted me.

She felt like she forgot who she
was, before him.
One day when listening to old music
she used to listen to,

When you walked into my life, you caught my attention
It was the way you spoke, the way you carried yourself
Especially the way you make me feel inside
Especially in your eyes.

I miss that smile on your face,
the way you used to look at me.
The way you used to seem so
interested in everything about me.

I stay quiet, so that I don't cause us
any arguments.
If I open my mouth
about any topic that you may


Why does it have to be about
who is right or wrong?
He lets his pride get the best
of him.

I'm giving him what he wants,
what he needs.
He sometimes does the same for me.
Other times when I think I need it

Suffering silently
that's the only way to get by
It's the only way that has kept
me from beginning arguments from

Where she's from there is two different
ways of saying where you're from.
That second night on FaceTime
he asked her, "Where you from? "


She's one of those girls
that knows you're staring at her.
She pretends not to notice,
she casually continues to do whatever

He became the occupant
of my mind,
and the tranquillity in my soul.
He became my go to person.

When I hear his voice
in that instance,
it feels like
he just undressed me

They say you can only control your own actions
But what happens when a loved one does things you don't like?
How do you learn to tolerate them?

I love him. A lot - so I say to myself.
When we first properly met, it was the same time I met another man.
This man is handsome, charming, funny, and knows how to get what he wants.

Sometimes the truth hurts, but what if it's a little white lie?
To lie, is to make a false statement.
But what if you're just protecting a loved one?

The Best Poem Of Cece Winters

Powerful Love

A love, so powerful,
it literally conquers
all that come their way.

Cece Winters Comments

Aname 28 March 2019

your poems are really beautiful and put a different perspective on life

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