Hit Title Date Added
Heart Of Sorrow

Fill your heart not with pain and sorrow,
but remember me in every tomorrow.
Remember the joy, the laughter, the smiles,
I've only gone to rest a little while.

Forgotten Room...

In a room that’s left forgotten,
With lights that will not shine,
Sits a man whose heart is broken,
In a corner of his time

Dark Water

I wade away from the shadows
Toward the sunshine
Death behind me
Life in my eyes

I Sleep In Dreams..

When the grey clouds lies about being blue
The clock steals time from my life in lieu
Stand​ing​ naked in the cold to defy
Sees the icy wind to blow colder try

Dark, Dark Dream Of Scare...

In my haunting dark, dark dream of scare
Into the depths where none dare
In the darkness of this night mare
The place where I live with fear in the air

Dark Abyss..

Dark, dark night, the sad sorrow of my soul is such.
All warmth has sunken beneath the waters' icy cold touch.
Shivering, trembling, my lips turn blue in its throes.
I dream again of the brilliant, ever-fragrant, spirit Rose.

The Darkness In My Mind

The darkness on this man within
Human nature burdens this soul
Covered by a superficial skin
And yet still dark as a whole.

Darkened Dreams In My Daylight…

Darkened dreams in my daylight
Sunri​ se​ of the night streamin​ g​ in
Only the stars loneline​ ss​ bright
Twili​ ght​ is in its twinklin​ g​ spin

Between The Darkness And Dreams...

Between the darkness and dreams
And vivid illusions of light
There exists only what seems
To be out of touch, out of sight.

Dark Writing....

Dark shadows sneak under the door
As I keep writing these dark lyrics more
Of a nature that's not evil or unkind
Rather of disturbing thoughts in my mind.

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