Dr John Celes Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sonnet: God Is Most Fair And Just

The tree that grew from seed I sowed with care,
And watered well, and loosened soil near roots,
Threw leaves and flowers, remaining only bare,
As pests prevented it bringing forth fruits.

Christmas Spirit Enlivened

The Christmas spirit catches all
The Christian people globally,
As winter's freezing chill is on,
And birth of Jesus happens fast.


If my eyes search for sinful scenes,
Reveling in its joy,
The sin belongs to me alone,
Whether a girl or boy.

Song In The Lines Of ‘joy To The World'

Joy to the world our God has come
The Word in flesh is seen
Prepare your heart, receive the King
Receive the new-born King

Advance New Year 2015 Wishes (In A Pessimistic Note)

I wonder how the New Year tends to be!
It will bring its uncertainties along;
It will spring surprises both good and bad;
But will it be better than the Old Year?

Christmas Tree

A Christmas tree of fir or pine,
When decorated looks so fine;
With baubles, stars, festoons that shine,
And gifts and pastries, food and wine.

To My Elder Sister In Old Age...

This girl had slogged for family;
She toiled so hard for others' sake;
She did not eat or keep her cake;
God, rain your blessings upon her!

Our Loving, Caring God

I plan something but God has other ones for me;
I do one thing but God does not allow;
I take a road but God leads me in ones unseen;
I chalk a route but God has laid one new!

Sonnet: This World Of Ignominy

The world I knew in childhood years was good
For, innocent was I with wisdom less;
With growing years, I learnt to turn quite shrewd,
And learnt to say ‘yes' and ‘no' with firmness.

Enduring Faith

'Tis time to condescend some more!
Retirement turns persons crazy soon;
I'll have to make a brand new start,
And keep a cheerful heart.

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