Shukdeb Mazumder

Shukdeb Mazumder Poems

Shukdeb Mazumder

For a long time, what do we see
in front of the mirror-

Ode to the upcoming spring

Shukdeb Mazumder

A rafflesia of reflections

Shukdeb Mazumder

The creation of my Valentine's Day

Shukdeb Mazumder

Shukdeb Mazumder

Come from you an indifference
spans the river

The mirror of my innerself

Shukdeb Mazumder

A flurry of beauty and poetic feelings

Shukdeb Mazumder

Are you as busy as a bee?
You have no time to see
what I am doing
around you being

🖊 Shukdeb Mazumder

What's on my mind?
Please do find!

Shukdeb Mazumder

I want to be forever young for I want to enjoy
the enchantment of youthfulness endlessly.

Shukdeb Mazumder

It's my home-
roam about here in a romantic mood!

Shukdeb Mazumder

Amongst few friends new
I am one

Shukdeb Mazumder

One of the most important things that you will have
is not to tell- 'I love you' instantly

Shukdeb Mazumder

Cast a spell on me and turn me into a butterfly
or a valiant bird

As long as your silence exists
Shukdeb Mazumder

When you are a little away

Shukdeb Mazumder

A rose tree having only two rose

Shukdeb Mazumder

Shukdeb Mazumder Biography

Full name: Dr. Shukdeb Chandra Mazumder || Profession and passion: Professor, poet, lyricist, essayist, columnist || Hobbies: Drawing, singing, recitation)

The Best Poem Of Shukdeb Mazumder

The Beauty Within

Shukdeb Mazumder

For a long time, what do we see
in front of the mirror-
isn't it one kind of error?

The beauty of the external appearance
gives us some sense
that beautiful we are-
why don't we try to make us more and more fair?

Thus we spend so much time and effort
ahead of the looking glass- not looking
into the inner beauty, and mute
the sound of our sound thinking and music
of the heart from which the flow of fine
feelings and emotion flourishes.

The eternal emotion of mankind is to be found
by men, and then the promotion
of the beauty within will be progressed.

Our happiness, confidence and love within
form the beauty within
that is inner Aphrodite
but the mirror reflects the outer one
by whom Paris was fascinated
and in the way the war of Troy started.

We- all of us- must not be like Paris
and the practice of considering any man
only by his facial beauty should perish.

The expression of inner niceness must be valued-
by which the consciousness of and desire
for being good within will arise
in the mind of humankind in a natural way.

Let the beauty within make the world beautiful.

© Dr. Shukdeb Chandra Mazumder

Shukdeb Mazumder Comments

Shukdeb Mazumder Quotes

1. Love is a dove trying to make a nest with the strings of two hearts. © Shuk Bachan (শুক বচন) A saying by Dr. Shukdeb Mazumder 03-11-2022

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