Ernestine Northover Poems

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The Earth Rolls On

Who is the young man, who stands at the dawn of the day,
And views the world with a frivolous outlook, and with ease,
He dreams, new dreams, his life years from decay,
As if the earth were his, and he had only himself to please.

Read Me!

Life is full of coloured posters,
You'll find them pasted everywhere,
On walls, on doors, on hoardings,
Triangular, round and square.

***the Proposal

Who will marry me, said the flea,
Why ever should I, said the fly,
I would willingly give you a hug, said the bug,
That would be nice, said the wood lice,

He Who Owns The Universe

Glorious is our Lord,
In his station up above,
Glorious, the one adored,
With his endless flow of love.

Chelsea Flower Show

Come and see the flowers in bloom,
Heavenly scents to fill a room,
Elaborate blossoms, in every hue,
Looking up, the sun to view,

Just A Wish

Whisk me away on a holiday,
Give me a chance to get away,
From all the stuffy, set routine,
Of work and chores at home, like clean,

Supermarket Shopping

A pound in the slot and out comes the chain,
It's Saturday supermarket shopping again,
And so I've obtained my large wire trolley,
And when shopping, you certainly need loads of lolly!

The Singing River

The river tumbles onwards to the sea,
And rushes, racing over rocks and stones,
And boulders, branches, pebbles, sand and scree,
Singing so many melodies to me,

My Beau

I sat, my back resting against a tree trunk,
The sun shining full on my face,
I felt as if my whole being had shrunk,
As I looked out, at this huge open space.

Lookers, Lickers And Stickers

A big round bright red postbox,
Is such a splendid sight, to me,
And the way we try posting our letters,
Is, moreover, a 'fun' sight to see.

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