Fantone Mdala

Fantone Mdala Poems

A gaze in the night sky

Got me looking at the snail's pace fading clouds.

I follow the dying star to the awaiting place

Striding through the motion between time & space

"Nothing is more peaceful than a moment of silence"

Sometimes I wish those words were always true.

There's something graceful about her
Something that can sweep a Persian prince off his feet
Like the ocean waves off the Durban shore
Striding with pride yet exquisite

Fantone Mdala Biography

Am a teenager soon to turn twenty. Am a student at Tertiary level studying Bachelor of Arts in Education program at Mzuzu University in Malawi a country in Africa. I have a passion of becoming an advanced writer more especially in the category of poetry and also promote my fellow writers to be known to the world. I feel like PoemHunter is not just a platform for promoting poetry but like a haven where Poets can express my literature-based ideas. I believe that with a core purpose in writing, one can paint a perfect picture with words and make it feel realistic and reach out to the world with a positive message.)

The Best Poem Of Fantone Mdala


A gaze in the night sky

Got me looking at the snail's pace fading clouds.

As the lazy moon beams cut through the stratum of clouds,

Only to reveal a full moon

Seemingly smiling mockingly across the sea of heavenly bodies

The verge of desperation and heartbreak lures me into the streets.

Only to clear my mind

Worse still, her pretty face popping in my mind

Hallucinations, for a fellow pedestrian

Only to earn a thread of curses as a reward at the point of touching

the victim

My face soaked in shame

A need for her embrace hits me hard

Recalling how it warmed the cockles of my heart

Driving away discomfort

Sigh! ! !

Now all that is left is the embrace

Of that precious memory to torture me

To the point of desperation........

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Fantone Mdala Quotes

Conquer the so-called inner demons to unravel the glimmer of light inside of you

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