Francis Duggan Poems

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Our Master

The Seasons to our lives do come and do go
And eventually time becomes everyone's foe
It causes age wrinkles and turns hair to gray
And rusts steel and iron through natural decay

Cocky Young Male Heroes

To see self professed local young male heroes you need not travel far
If you live nearby you need not take your car
On Saturday evening at the local public bar
Is where the macho young men of the town always are

Success To Them

Life is what you make of it some are known to say
But for everyone it is not this way
Many living today does stand little chance
Of knowing of success due to birth circumstance

Of Nature Whose Wonders Are Many

In the green countryside where the waterways meet
I first grew to love Nature near the Town of Millstreet
Long before time that ages did become my foe
On going back the years more than six decades ago

Of Australia's First People

Though respect is a thing they do never demand
They will always be the first people of this southern Land
Their ancestors have lived in Australia for thousands of years
The arrival of our kind in their Country brought them displacement and tears

Self Opinionated People

Self opinionated people I meet every day
So uncompromising in their dogmatic way
For to be innovative not in their thinking range
The people who never does instigate change

On Their Views On Life

On their views on life them we dooppose
But are their opinions not as important as ours though we see them as our foes
To some of us they see life in a different way
But it is each to their own as the wise one does say

Once Seen And Once Heard

Once seen and once heard you never again can get them wrong
Gray butcherbirds have such a beautiful song
Of dark head gray wings and tail and under of light gray
With hooked bills on thorns and spikes they impale their prey

Jim Of Camperdown

It has been awhile since his hair was light brown
The balding old fellow Jim of Camperdown
A well travelled fellow of Camperdown Town
Though he will tell you that this is not a claim to renown

It Is Not What You Do Lffor Yourself

It is not what you do for yourself but what for others you do
That others will take time for to remember you
Look at the life of the late Mother Therese in her lifetime many her did admire
For to work on behalf of the poor others she did inspire

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