Francis Duggan Poems

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A Citizen Of Claraghatlea

A Citizen of Claraghatlea is all that I can be
And though I left it many years ago it still feels home to me
In house by stream from Claramore my life's journey began
And there I spent my boyhood years and grew into a man

For You Believe In Equality

With you who have your unseen God I well may not agree
But you are entitled to your beliefs and that's okay with me
I hope that makes you a better person and to your beliefs you are true
That you believe in a fair go and give everyone their due

On The Beijing Olympics

The Chinese Government never should have got the Olympic Games their culture to celebrate
News of crimes against humanity filtering out of Tibet of late
The Chinese Government ordered their troops against unarmed demonstrators with the orders of shoot to kill
As human rights go nothing has changed in China and suppose it never will.

What Goes Around

You may see me as a sinner but my sins they are my own
And leave me to my own Karma I will reap the sins I've sown
The Universal Karma it is for everyone
And what goes around always comes around when all is said and done,

I Come From The Place Of The Gray Hooded Crow

I come from the place of the gray hooded crow
Where Clara in winter wears his hat of snow
Where Finnow through old fields bank high often flow
On towards the Blackwater by many a hedgerow

Mine Alone

I have no wish to harm others or do them any wrong
And my views on life are mine alone and to me they belong
I'm not what most would call a success poor in a material way
Since money speaks all languages in the World of today.

I Am From The Place

I am from the place where the Cails waters flow
Through old rushy fields and by dyke and hedgerow
To join the Finnow at a spot called the lyre
Of singing of such beauty could one ever tire.

The Past Is The Past

The past is the past though to it we may cling
But who knows what good fortune tomorrow may bring
Tonight in tattslotto your luck may be in
Like 'tis said you've got to be in it to win

The Woman In Dark Glasses

The woman in dark glasses her eyes I can't see
I wonder why she keeps on staring at me
Though she does not smile me does she recognize?
The mirrors to her soul from me she disguise

Multicultural Warrnambool

All races and colours from dark to white and brown
You will see on the sidewalks of Warrnambool Town
Africans, Caucasians and Asians and those of Indigenous race
Help to make the Bool a multicultural place.

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