Francis Duggan Poems

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We Need Women To Lead

Like a leaderless flock we are losing our way
We do need good leaders in the World of today
And since to violence many of them seem all too inclined
Not many good leaders amongst the male kind

Don'T Tell Me Of How Marvellous You Are

Don't tell me of how marvellous you are self praise I do not wish to hear
Of your type I have known too many and I've lived for many a year
You tell me of your life successes and of your outstanding career
But I will not be singing your praises I hope to you I've made that clear

Those Who Are Jealous Of You

Those who are jealous of you it may seem strange to say
Are paying you a compliment in a sort of a way
It may sound hard to believe but you they admire
And to be just like you is their secret desire.

So Little About Nature

So little about Nature I can claim to know
A tiny dark seed to a giant tree can grow
And though great minds are learning from her every day
Her secrets from them she keeps hidden away

We Can Choose Our Friends

We can choose our friends but not our family
That is how it is and it will always be
Our life choices limited it does seem to me
Though with that there would be some to disagree

To Hope And To Dream

To hope and to dream it is never a sin
And I hope and dream that one day I will win
A first division lotto with which I could do
A million dollars in money or preferably two

Warrnambool's John

I do see John often though not every day
The old Polish fellow his hair silver gray
Sixty years in Australia in time quite a span
One can say of him he's a well travelled man.

The Intelligence Of Crows

One of the most intelligent birds in the World would have to be the crow
Of the versatility of the corvid family those who know of birds do know
At the verge of the Townpark lake a few days ago saw them in the water soak pieces of bread
Of most other birds as intelligence goes crows are well ahead

A Tolerant Society Means We Just Tolerate

A tolerant society means we just tolerate
The presence of those different amongst us though we will not celebrate
Their culture or honour them in any sort of a way
The law states we tolerate them and the law we must obey

That Tomorrow Is Another Day

There always is tomorrow you hear some people say
But for many tomorrow will me much like today
In the refugee camps of the World thirty million refugees
From war ravaged and drought stricken Countries waiting for placements overseas

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