Francis Duggan Poems

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The Tag Of One Of Our Own

It is nice to live as one to so few known
Where none does say of you one of our own
Where you are a stranger on every street
And mostly strangers you only do meet

Mt Napier

It was from a great artist Mt Napier got it's name
But thousands of centuries before him great rivers of flame
Flowed down it's brown face leaving rocks here and there
For miles around in the flat countryside everywhere

It Is Said We Do Learn

It is said we do learn from life every day
But some men don't grow wiser they grow old and gray
But then wisdom never grows on the bushes and trees
Nor can one acquire it through uni degrees

In Love As In Life

In love as in life all is not always fair
And the ache of lost love does take time to repair
The one you love in your life may not choose to stay
Love does have it's sorrows it does seem this way

Lost At Sea

The coastal guards searched the ocean for miles around
But by them no trace of him was found
His wife and son and daughter then of five and three
Him were never more to see

A Few Things In Common

A few things in common all people do share
That goes for the pauper and the billionaire
The poor of the World can say life's unfair
But we are all born to die and we breathe the same air

Where The The Old Glasheen Rill

Through green Inchaleigh with tongue that's never still
It flows to the Finnow the old Glaseen Rill
The tiny waterway honored in story and rhyme
Has babbled it's way through the centuries of time

I Am What I Am

I am what i am not not what i am you think you see
Even sometimes i feel i am a stranger to me
My acquaintances many my friends are so few
And every day from life i do learn something new

Kiwi Joe

Though his wife and children are Aussies Joe is quite proud
To tell you he is from the Land Of The Long White Cloud
When New Zealand in rugby or soccer or cricket does play
A win for the Kiwis helps to make his day

Old Mick Connie O

He had great stories old Mick Connie O
Of the civil war days in Ireland long ago
And he was a brave rebel who fought the Black and Tan
In his better days when he was a young man

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