Gert Strydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Where We Do Winter Behold (English Sonnet)

(after William Shakespeare)

Where around us sheer winter we do now behold,
like skeletons are the trees with no leaves that hang,

Simon From Cyrene (Free Verse Sonnet)

(after Kleinjan (J. R. L. Van Bruggen))

The Romans find a man underway to Golgotha,
Simon from Cyrene, from far away in Africa,

It Was Silent And Peaceful (Free Verse Sonnet)

It was silent and peaceful where He did lie in the grave
where God as a human was slaughtered as the Son of God
and He did pay the price for man's iniquity,
did rest on His own creation's Sabbath Command

Mary At The Grave (Free Verse Sonnet)

Where she cried heart rendering, she stood at the grave,
for a moment lingered dumbfounded and did notice that it was empty,
could not comprehend this, did not trust the peace,
as in her heart there now was only love for Him,

(after William Shakespeare)

Neither nuclear bomb nor weapon of war or earth, sky or sea
but human mortality along with frailty slowly absorbs our power,

At Easter (Free Verse Sonnet)

(in answer to Olga Kirsch)

Paint with the own blood of Jesus Christ
the portals of the human heart red,

On A Hillock (Free Verse Sonnet)

Where the ground-squirrel hop up and down
there are guinea fowl in the bush and I look carefully
and again I am a carefree child,
notices a rock-rabbit jumping from rock to rock

Diary-Page (Free Verse Sonnet)

(after Elisabeth Eybers)

My uncles could cut off the skins of apples, limes and oranges
paper-thin from every different peel

My Darling (English Sonnet)

(in answer to William Shakespeare)

My darling's eyes are pleasant as the sun,
like pomegranates her lips are sweet and red,

At The Dam

(after Totius)

When the morning sun do burn the fog away
two coots do land at the dam,

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