Indira Renganathan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Lotus And Sun

Sun's love for lotus
Both bloom and fade in routine
Made for each other

A Dream To Dream

I want to dream..but I'm a poor sleeper
If at all I sleep at a night, a dream peculiar..
All I see is days' reflections and failure
'Do not sleep' I say to myself and that's better

Four Liners 31-40

31 Lake

Where there is a land depression there formed is a lake
Filled with rain and inflowing river waters.Uses of a lake

Along The Waves

Sitting on the shore she stretched her legs
Towards the sea to relax from the daily chores
Enjoying in her closed eyes the breeze tender
She felt a sudden touch of a tiny wave's hugs

Two Grannies Or Two Clocks

Every Monday is a Sunday for granny
That she lets not go to school Johnny

But Johnny insists going to school

Is It For This....?

Your anger is like the
Destructive forest fire

My tear drops are like the

A Layman's Fun

Semblance! !
My father resembled his mother
His father resembled his father
My mother resembled her grandfather

Five Liners 86--90

86 Mahatma Gandhi

Father of our India we proudly call
Whose faith in nonviolence helped

I Am Pink

You use rainbow colours
To paint your love poem

Mind it.. rainbow is ephemeral

The Bipolar

Chopping potatos they were talking
On potato recipes many
More dicing and dissecting matters many
Ah, a sudden lightning mood poked in hyper

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