Jacob Nambe

Jacob Nambe Poems

Where are you all headed in such a hurry
Wait, where am i headed in this one-way heart of mine
Slow it down a bit, there is a hold-up ahead

If my state of mind were to be reflected on skin,
Blood would be the ink i'd use
As am choked to a point beyound which, words loose meaning
My strenght lies in my imagination of a place nature calls home, and my present dare not dwell

Where are the birds at least
Some sound, though inanimate i seek
This silence is deafening!
And the memories slowly killing me

If my state of mind were to be reflected on skin,
Blood would be the ink I'd use
As am choked to a point beyond which words loose meaning.
My strength lies in my imagination of a place nature calls home, and my present dare not dwell..

In red she was at the awakening of the moon
Feeding back the earth with the rays of noon;
Bodies separate at the instance of touch
As souls connect and kindred spirits unite.

There are no exceptions with you, are there?
You care less for yonder plans of men,
Nor for who, to whom they communed the hour before.
Against you, gallantry stands no chance, and

If only she danced;
To waste would'nt go such gait,
To the music would the pleasure be
Every subtle twist, to every being, bait be.

my heart sinks with the rain,
as it reluctantly makes its way home,
not to rise again, till the heat is come.
in steady patters, it bids farewell,

This is not just me being afraid I swear.
I know she is wrong for me.
But this silence, this ache, I want to share it with her.
I want to know how last night's thunder, made her feel. I know, but I want her to tell me anyway.

That man was weird I swear.
Enough to be feared.
Whatever had him, got him point blank.
Stripped him of his senses of curiosity and crank.

He settled for the girl of his youth.
His love for a good time call.
Never did he imagine a life time with her,
Without doubts, thinking he should do better.

What a shame!
How insecure you've become.
Your weaknesses all layed bare.
Too weak to even pretend.

We can tell there is nothing left to say.
This cold flame once carried warmth.
We stand together yet apart with something in between.
I won't make good company to your secrete destination.

The Best Poem Of Jacob Nambe

From A Sparrows Veiw Point; Cardiotraffic

Where are you all headed in such a hurry
Wait, where am i headed in this one-way heart of mine
Slow it down a bit, there is a hold-up ahead

Desires speed past lights of caution to a garage of furry
Created from the future they long for a place here where all is red

It feels so heavy within, i think there is a heamorrage
Two tears down and i feel am loosing
Everyone is bruising-yes, but why do i feel am hurting the most

At this bridge beyound which is no-mans land
Dark pregnant clouds with unfortold uncertainties
Am scared!
I want to go home, but i need the laurels, accolades and tittles to compleat my iniciation

The life lines look so thin each time i look, but thats all there is
I long for somthing thats safe and warm
In the absence of which i have drifted, drifted to sip from the necter of the worlds finest, what it tastes like..? i have to sip again...i dont know!
But it has left my kidneys and lungs with much recovering to do

I long to be aware of tomorrows rising sun
I want to feel it slowly dry away the dew from my skin
Have always had a disdain for surprises
But what now..?

I will rise and make my bed straight, search for tell-tales in the clouds and pray for showers of blessings
Stick to the road less travelled and leave my prints in the rocks
For beyound this bridge, i intend to cultivate and call it mine!

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