Jacques Prevert

Rating: 4.33
Rating: 4.33

Jacques Prevert Poems

Trois allumettes une à une allumées dans la nuit
La premiére pour voir ton visage tout entier
La seconde pour voir tes yeux
La dernière pour voir ta bouche

Rappelle-toi Barbara
Il pleuvait sans cesse sur Brest ce jour-là
Et tu marchais souriante
Épanouie ravie ruisselante

Il a mis le café
Dans la tasse
Il a mis le lait
Dans la tasse de café

An orange upon the table
Your dress on the rug
And you in my bed
Sweet present of the present

Cet amour
Si violent
Si fragile
Si tendre

Entre les rangées d'arbres de l'avenue des Gobelins
Une statue de marbre me conduit par la main
Aujourd'hui c'est dimanche les cinémas sont pleins
Les oiseaux dans les branches regardent les humains

Quel jour sommes-nous
Nous sommes tous les jours
Mon amie
Nous sommes toute la vie

Il dit non avec la tête
mais il dit oui avec le coeur
il dit oui à ce qu'il aime
il dit non au professeur

Un cheval s'écroule au milieu d'une allée
Les feuilles tombent sur lui
Notre amour frissonne
Et le soleil aussi.

Il sont à table
Ils ne mangent pas
Ils ne sont pas dans leur assiette
Et leur assiette se tient toute droite

Peindre d'abord une cage
avec une porte ouverte
peindre ensuite
quelque chose de joli

Notre Père qui êtes aux cieux
Et nous nous resterons sur la terrre
Qui est quelquefois si jolie

Des milliers et des milliers d'années
Ne sauraient suffire
Pour dire
La petite seconde d'éternité

Dans une boîte de paille tressée
Le père choisit une petite boule de papier
Et il la jette
Dans la cuvette

Le petit homme qui chantait sans cesse
le petit homme qui dansait dans ma tête
le petit homme de la jeunesse
a cassé son lacet de soulier

Des draps blancs dans une armoire
Des draps rouges dans un lit
Un enfant dans sa mère
Sa mère dans les douleurs

A jeun perdue glacée
Toute seule sans un sou
Une fille de seize ans
Immobile debout

Il y a de grandes flaques de sang sur le monde
où s'en va-t-il tout ce sang répandu
Est-ce la terre qui le boit et qui se saoule
drôle de saoulographie alors

Dans les manèges du mensonge
Le cheval rouge de ton sourire
Et je suis là debout planté

Dans un square sur un banc
Il y a un homme qui vous appelle quand on passe
Il a des binocles un vieux costumes gris
Il fume un petit ninas il est assis

Jacques Prevert Biography

Jacques Prévert was a French poet and screenwriter. His poems became and remain very popular in the French-speaking world, particularly in schools. Some of the movies he wrote are extremely well regarded, with Les Enfants du Paradis considered one of the greatest films of all time. Life and Education Prévert was born at Neuilly-sur-Seine and grew up in Paris. After receiving his Certificat d'études upon completing his primary education, he quit school and went to work in Le Bon Marché, a major department store in Paris. Called up for military service in 1918, after the war, he was sent to the Near East to defend French interests there. He died in Omonville-la-Petite, on 11 April 1977. He had been working on the last scene of the animated movie Le Roi et l'oiseau (The King and the Mockingbird) with his friend and collaborator Paul Grimault. When the film was released in 1980, it was dedicated to Prévert's memory, and on opening night, Grimault kept the seat next to him empty. Poetry Prévert participated actively in the Surrealist movement. Together with the writer Raymond Queneau and artist Marcel Duchamp, he was a member of the Rue du Château group. He was also a member of the agitprop Groupe Octobre. Prévert's poems were collected and published in his books: Paroles (Words) (1946), Spectacle (1951), La Pluie et le beau temps (Rain and Good Weather) (1955), Histoires (Stories) (1963), Fatras (1971) and Choses et autres (Things and Others) (1973). His poems are often about life in Paris and life after the Second World War. They are widely taught in schools in France and frequently appear in French language textbooks throughout the world. Some of Prévert's poems, such as "Les Feuilles mortes" (Autumn Leaves), "La grasse matinée" (Sleeping in), "Les bruits de la nuit" (The sounds of the night), and "Chasse à l'enfant" (The hunt for the child) were set to music by Joseph Kosma—and in some cases by Germaine Tailleferre of Les six, Christiane Verger, and Hanns Eisler. They have been sung by prominent 20th century French vocalists, including Marianne Oswald, Yves Montand, and Édith Piaf, as well as by the later American singers Joan Baez and Nat King Cole. In 1961, French singer-songwriter Serge Gainsbourg paid tribute to "Les feuilles mortes" in his own song "La chanson de Prévert." More recently, the British remix DJ's Coldcut released their own version in 1993. A German version has been published and covered by Didier Caesar (alias Dieter Kaiser), which he named "Das welke Laub". "Les feuilles mortes" also bookends Iggy Pop's 2009 album, Préliminaires. Film Prévert wrote a number of screenplays for the film director Marcel Carné. Among the films were Drôle de drame (Bizarre, Bizarre, 1937), Quai des brumes (Port of Shadows, 1938), Le Jour se lève (Daybreak, 1939), Les Visiteurs du soir (The Night Visitors, 1942) and Les Enfants du paradis (The Children of Paradise, 1945). The latter often appears on critics' lists of the greatest films of all time. His poems were the basis for a film by the director and documentarian Joris Ivens, La Seine a rencontré Paris (The Seine Meets Paris, 1957), about the River Seine. The poem was read as narration during the film by singer Serge Reggiani. Prévert had a long working relationship with Paul Grimault, also a member of Groupe Octobre. Together they wrote the screenplays of a number of animated movies, starting with the short "Le Petit Soldat" ("The Little Soldier") in 1947. They worked together until his death in 1977, when he was finishing "Le Roi et l'Oiseau" ("The King and the Bird"). Prévert adapted several Hans Christian Andersen tales into animated or mixed live-action/animated movies, often in versions loosely connected to the original. Two of these were with Grimault, including "Le Roi et l'Oiseau", which is considered one of the greatest animated films of all time, while one was with his brother Pierre Prévert.)

The Best Poem Of Jacques Prevert

Paris At Night

Trois allumettes une à une allumées dans la nuit
La premiére pour voir ton visage tout entier
La seconde pour voir tes yeux
La dernière pour voir ta bouche
Et l'obscuritè tout entière pour me rappeler tout cela
En te serrant dans mes bras.

Three matches one by one struck in the night
The first to see your face in its entirety
The second to see your eyes
The last to see your mouth
And the darkness all around to remind me of all these
As I hold you in my arms.)

Jacques Prevert Comments

fortnite x 30 April 2018

fortnite is better than pub g @PUBG x

29 27 Reply
Mary-Anne 06 June 2018

Jaques Prevert has some very haunting poems and was one of the fathers of the French absurdity movement. I am disappointed that certain people chose to deface this post with inappropriate and irrelevant comments.

45 10 Reply
PUBG x 25 April 2018

Fortnite sucks, Fortnite is easy

20 33 Reply
23kkuhflwa 25 April 2018

skjbcn3r, jvbjgfnk42k14.kch; o34lhfoi3gbf

16 31 Reply
namee 25 April 2018

ur mom gay loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

22 22 Reply
Jonathan 19 January 2022

I took a COVID test and it was negative but I was positive for this other thing called herbes I think and I don't know what that means. On bing it says I will never die is this true?

7 1 Reply
Big black balls 19 January 2022

This guy was my boy toy

8 2 Reply
Jonathan 19 January 2022

I took a COVID yesterday and I was negative but I was positive for that herbes thing and I don't know what it is. Can someone help me out?

7 1 Reply
ben dover 19 January 2022

this is very useful but i actually am attracted him so it's a shame that he's dead

7 0 Reply
Kevin Gerges 19 January 2022

I sometimes shared a cig wit dat dude

7 0 Reply

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