Paris At Night Poem by Jacques Prevert

Paris At Night

Rating: 4.3

Trois allumettes une à une allumées dans la nuit
La premiére pour voir ton visage tout entier
La seconde pour voir tes yeux
La dernière pour voir ta bouche
Et l'obscuritè tout entière pour me rappeler tout cela
En te serrant dans mes bras.

Three matches one by one struck in the night
The first to see your face in its entirety
The second to see your eyes
The last to see your mouth
And the darkness all around to remind me of all these
As I hold you in my arms.)

Paris At Night
Patti Masterman 15 May 2012

I love the simple idea and the profound way it comes across.

12 6 Reply
Malini Kadir 06 April 2008

Sooooooooo Romantic! loved it!

12 6 Reply
Mary Taylor 12 April 2008

much poetic and emotional assets lovely to read

11 5 Reply
* Sunprincess * 14 May 2014

.........a wonderful imagery created....enjoyed..

5 8 Reply
Peninnah Ng'ang'a 23 August 2018

I been to many cities but Parii at night; that scene, that feeling, those scents will forever remain in my heart!

1 6 Reply
Jaques Lemarc 01 May 2023

This is a beautiful work done by Jaques Prévert i absolutely love it

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Patti Masterwoman 14 September 2022

I hate this poem

2 5 Reply
Tigre zhang 24 July 2022

In our french class, our teach have taught us about this, so romantic:)

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 08 February 2022

A poem of great depth. So beautifully and cleverly expressed.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 08 February 2022

Beautiful expressions from the late French poet, they looked simple but the meaning is certainly felt deeper and more intense in the poem as we progress in reading 5 Stars

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Jacques Prevert

Jacques Prevert

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