Jean Mallette

Jean Mallette Poems

Alas, I've searched the world to find
That Peace begins within the mind.
It doesnot rest in other men.
Alone, within, will Peace begin.

Alas! , the raging battle's done
And morning once again has come
As stillness swathes the bleak horizon o'er
The place where echoes come to strum

The price of drugs-heartache and tears;
And slamming cell doors-twenty years;
To fear our children, now possessed,
Our little ones we once caressed.

My model railroad stretched about
Through every room and floor.
I strived to make the whole layout
Look better than before.

I understand your pain;
I've partaken of your loss;
Though I could have had great gain,
I but chose an ugly cross.

Hie to the stables; the foxhunt's begun;
Mount now the horses; release now the prey;
Ride now the field where the quarry must run-
Run 'til he's fallen-a bundle of gray.

He closed his eyes to pray
As pain seemed far away
For when the darkness touched his eyes,
His soul began to rise.

Though broken 'neath the weight of grief,
The heart beats on in sorrow.
It seeks to meet some soon relief
But finds none in the morrow.

The appointed time my God shall keep
To wake our loved ones from their sleep.
A joyous choir He then shall raise
Up from the Earth to sing Him praise.

Behind the volted fences,
The gates and walls of stone,
Behind the guarded towers
Where all our men have gone,

This leaf-this simple sweep of green
Whose structure's like a golden web
That catches all of Life between
These tiny streams that flow and ebb

My little one, I called you home,
But you decided you would roam,
To walk the edge of precipices,
Reach down in holes of cockatrices,


Across the silent face of night,
Across the darkness of the deep,
Upon the wings of silver light,
The wandering stars of Heaven sweep.

There were no flowers save what we brought-
No tokens of thanks for all you wrought.
No one to grieve but your mom and your dad,
Alone to cherish the times that we had.

The cooling breath of evening rests
About the mock bird's prided nest
Where tiny creatures void of fear
Sleep cradled 'neath a watchful ear.

I reached for it.
It was not there.
I feigned to touch
My silken hair.


I would quit the world entire,
Free my mind from false desires,
Find my soul in Nature's womb,
Quit the climb to status doom.

Were I to be a summer wind,
Fair Heaven's heights I would descend
And spread my wings aloft the crests
Of those fond mountains I love best.

Where do you suppose
The Woodpecker goes
When he carries those
Little crumbs away?

Trees of night, changing sight;
Darkness writes a play of fright,
Casting shadows into fears;
Daytime beauty dons its sneers;

Jean Mallette Biography

A true daughter of the Deep South, I am an incurable Romantic and love writing poetry with rhyme and meter. I love nature and have a passion for interacting with it. At present I live in the Great Smokey Mountains region of east Tennessee and am blessed with a bounty of inspiration.)

The Best Poem Of Jean Mallette

Peace~~true Peace

Alas, I've searched the world to find
That Peace begins within the mind.
It doesnot rest in other men.
Alone, within, will Peace begin.
No movement, plea, or gathered clan
Can force a peaceful state or plan.
It is the individual who
Must make his dreams of peace come true.
You may not find your neighbor kind,
But donot try to change his mind.
Some will not yield to good intentions.
Forget these ones; avoid dissensions.
Meditate your cares away,
And if they fail to leave, then pray.
Then you will know what Peace is of-
Defeat of Hate; the reign of Love.

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