Jessel Jane Tevar Toring Poems

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Life Or Death

I inquired of him the best thing
to choose: life or death.
Without a beat, he whispered 'death'.
And so I shot him;

Silent Confession

The hands that write what lips would dare not say
and eyes that mock what mind would dare to play
of nights lost in the deepest thoughts of him
that dares to say the holiest name of names.

The Wine And Me

I asked the moon to drink with me tonight;
he just gave me a heavy sigh,
as though he heard that plea from me
a thousand times before.

The Mourners

Weeping for ones who in darkness lie,
the ones who in distress have sold their helpless souls;
for ones who have been born only to die...
perhaps for ones they never knew at all.

Heart, Believe Me

Heart, believe me.
That was just a night.
How fool it is for my mind
to linger his words this way;

In His Eyes

In his eyes are empty wells
where waters only flow endless
when I stare.
And in his eyes are dark skies

A Little While Eternal

Tell him I love to weave these words
into a song upon his luscious lips,
to make the rhythm of my heart
a gentle melody in his ears.

Dont Run Mr. Runner

Dont run Mr. runner,
there'll be no place to go..
take time to see the pretty things;
you have to take it slow.

Dont Look Into My Eyes

A sight of ocean rising in ceaseless waves
against the sky troubled the moon
as she slowly turned around to see me
die everyday just to live longer,

You And My Shadow

You never noticed how your single glance
pressed my shadow on the wall.
And by simply smiling even once,
my pressed shadow falls

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