John Knight Poems

Hit Title Date Added
I Love All The Poemhunter Family

Poetry is the window of the Soul
Every window has two sides
By virtue of its own transparency.
Windows allow us - to look in and out

*807 Opal Birthstone Of October

Opals - gems with quartz-like structure
Flash and sparkle rainbow colours
Ancient eye stone - deep red fire stone
Eastern Opals truth and faith stone

Seven Ages Of Woman

With Apologies to William Shakespeare

All the world's a stage
And all the Girls and Ladies merely players

*809 Peridot Birthstone Of August

The Peridot (pronounced PEAR - A - DOE) is a very beautiful but lesser known gemstone. It was first discovered on Topazo Island in the Red Sea by the Egyptians who called it 'The Gem of the Sun'. Peridos are unique gemstones because they are always green. They are a form of Chrysolite - magnesium aluminium silicate - with an iron impurity which is responsible for its green colour. The depth of green is proportioanal to the percentage of iron.

Peridot so orthorhombic
Lime green - olive green - and sea green

Astral Love

This is dedicated to all Poemhunters weaving in the Loom of Love

We came so close - without actually touching,
Which is salutary for had we done so

*925 Emerald Birthstone Of May

Hexagonal in crystal form
Mined in Zambia and Columbia
Gemstones valued more than diamond
Radiant green their unique colour.

1116 Latin Haikus

Latin is a very beautiful concise and poetical language. To give a taste I offer some Latin Haikus for your enjoyment. I have translated them into English to indicate their poetic essence!


1131 A Passion Of Poets

There is a name for every state
In which things like to congregate
A flight of stairs - a swarm of ants
A batch fo bread - a pair of pants!

*935 Sapphire Birthstone Of September

Dipyramidal - sweet sapphire
Saturation tone and hue
All contribute to sapphires richness
A precious stone of azure blue

Don'T Cry For Me Ballerina!

When I look back I find no cause to cry,
For parts not won, chances to dance passed by.
Ambitions unfufilled, the boards not trod,
Castles in the Air - not built - no nearer God!

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