Jonathan ROBIN Poems

Hit Title Date Added

All Mankind’s felicity
stays prey to instability,
and may in no time fall from grace, -

Auguries of Innocence I

The bat that blocked will fall, Time’s sway
will bowl both balls and pads away.

Brown Study From The Lowlands

My fart's in the Lowlands, my fart is not here,
My fart's in the Lowlands disgracing I fear -
embracing the oh dear, hear three in a row!
my fart's in the Lowlands, no place else to blow.

White Sheet

White sheet resembles virgin bride,
unblemished, waiting tender hand
to st[r]oke the fire which out of hand
flares up in ph[r]ases to deride

An Alliterative Amorous Answer

Alliterative Love Letter
Adored and angelic Amelia. Accept an ardent and artless amorist's affections, alleviate an anguished admirer's alarms, and answer an amorous applicant's avowed ardour. Ah, Amelia! all appears an awful aspect! Ambition, avarice and arrogance, alas are attractive allurements, and abase an ardent attachment. Appease an aching and affectionate adorer's alarms, and anon acknowledge affianced Albert's alliance as agreeable and acceptable.

Anxiously awaiting an affectionate and affirmative answer, accept an ardent admirer's aching adieu. Always angelic and admirable Amelia's admiring and affectionate amorist, Albert


Translations Sonnets pour Hélène Pierre de Ronsard -

Taking Leave


See below W S Sonnet LX for English and French variations

Sonnet LX

Spinning Rhymes

In winter crystal carpet spun
returns us right where we begun
when forests walked and talked on cue
still roots push through, greet promised sun.

Rubaiyat Of Romance

Romance draws from response to stimulate,
and span two dreams’ convergence, second state,
meets live with love to spurn Time’s rendezvous,
ignoring jigsaw mind-set’s zigzag gait.


My fun begun with number one,
swore to be true to number two,
happy to be with number three,

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