Julie Delvaux Poems

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A Poem With No End

I read you as I read my favourite book:
Oft I return to the familiar pages;
I smooth the creases; through the shade of ages
I always recognise your youthful look.

The Word

I want to love you, but I know not, how;
To call your name - but is there such a name
That may become you? To the spheres above
I now entrust the knowledge of the same.

A Parody On The Russian Symbolist Poetry

The skies are burning with the lanterns' fire -
Dark is the Earth!
So, have you been with him, oh woeful liar?
Let truth shine forth!


Paroles, paroles... Is there a price to words,
Or their value is indeed invented,
When scales are used to measure their worth
To give to someone as a gift or credit,

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