I am only a bee
Sucking at the flowers of
Virtues of humanity
And deriving my
As an elder,
My thoughts are centered
On my young child;
But, as a child,
I may die a physical death later,
But I do not want to die
A mental death in advance.
Like a flower
It will not be
A real death for me
If I stop breathing,
Because I will still live in
You nurture an ambition
Of becoming great;
You cherish the hope of
Helping the poor;
Myriad poems
Took birth in my mind,
But a few of them
Died of my neglect.
On the vast lawn
My child and I
Sit together
And observe Nature.
Sometimes, I wish that
Life should come to a grinding halt,
But it hardly does;
For the wheel of life
With the passing breeze,
My soul moves
In search of God
Among the groves.
A child’s imagination
Runs riot
At the sight of ravishing moon.
I loved her deeply,
But today I have to
Part from her.
O, my heart is heavy
I meet so many women
But I cannot unlock their hearts
To find out what their hidden desires are -
However much I am smart.
K V Venkataramana is a poet in English with six poetry books to his credit. Two of them, 'Vales Of Mystery' and 'Refreshing Breeze' were published in Canada. He is the recipient of several Awards for poetry at City, Taluk, State, National and International levels. His poems have been broadcast over All India Radio, Mangalore. They were also translated into Thai, Korean, French, Hindi and Kannada. Dr K V Venkataramana has also published two books of translation(from Kannada to English) . He writes essays, articles and reviews, besides poems. Currently, K V Venkataramana is settled in Bangalore. To know more about him, please browse the following links: http: //articlesandpoemsofkvvenkataramana.blogspot.com/ http: //kvvenkataramana.wordpress.com/)
A Bit Of Soul
When someone suffers
I, too, do;
For a bit of his soul
Lives in me, too!
K.V.Venkataramana as a poet is of a mystical strain apart from being contemplative and meditative apart from wit, fun, pun and humour he inducts in. Sometimes he is uniquely mystical, sometimes down to realities. His capsule poems are just like cocoons of words.
Style is the man and this can be said about K.V.Venkataramana and his poetry-writing. A poet of a mystical strain, he is witty, epigrammatic and one of practical wisdom. Apart from yoga, he is down to realities with his searching looks as yoga into the bad hands turns into bhoga. On reading him, marking his craftsmanship, we feel it within if his poems were epigrams turned into poems.