A Bee Poem by K. V. Venkataramana

A Bee

Rating: 5.0

I am only a bee
Sucking at the flowers of
Virtues of humanity
And deriving my
Sustenance out of them.
Colours of petals
Or thorns on the stem
Do not distract me
From drawing the nectar;
And with hope
I keep buzzing
Over the vast human vegetation
And propagate
The pollens of peace.

Malini Kadir 17 March 2008

Nice thought! the bee is a very busy bee....In fact must be gathering a lot of honey...... loved this write of yours!

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Prasanna Kumari 01 April 2008

bee sucking peace for humanity is interesting to read...

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Ben Gieske 02 April 2008

You write of the bee's activity so innocently, yet you say much of what we should be pondering. In particular, your words Sustenance out of them. Colours of petals Or thorns on the stem Do not distract me remind me of colored bottles. We should be more concerned about what is inside rather than how the outside looks. More importantly we should apply this approach to our regarding the persons around us.

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Kesav Easwaran 10 July 2009

bee has always been a good poetic symbol for busy dedicated life...good poem KV V...good use of rhymes...10

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Ben Gieske 21 June 2009

Important message. Let's hope there are a lot more bees like this.

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Lady Grace 03 June 2009

this poem is full of meaning..bee is another agent of pollination..grace

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Tsira Goge 26 May 2008

This is very beautiful and touching poems. The bee does wax candles for the god and for the person does honey... Thank you, Tsira

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Onelia Avelar 14 April 2008

'I am only a bee Sucking at the flowers of '...poetry and i enjoy this honey-poem very much. I will be back :) thank you for sharing this one

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K. V. Venkataramana

K. V. Venkataramana

Sullia - 574239, Karnataka; .
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