Kimberly Lindsey Poems

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You call me Princess,
You call me baby,
And really I did think maybe….


The words will not come,
I am confused and torn.
Thoughts scatter, hither and yon.

Abusive Behavior

I once thought if I loved enough,
It would make him love me too.
I thought if I could do enough,
But that was just screwed.

The Scars On My Heart

If you’ve told me once
It’s been a hundred times,
You love me, won’t forsake me,
This is for all time.

My Lover, My Bestfriend

If I could see the future, Do you know what I would see?
I would see our love go on for eons, through many galaxies.
If I could see what lies ahead, Do you know what I would see?
I would see two people in love, For all eternity.

Baby, You Save Me From Myself

When I feel something bubbling inside,
And ignore it for way too long,
Instead of dealing with the issue, that’s surfacing,
I pretend that it is not there, but it reverberates, like a gong..

Heavenly Father, Hear My Prayer

I am so sorry, for not listening;
For not, seeking your word.

For asking for your help,

Ring On My Finger, Wedding Planned

Sometimes I am scared, that you will hurt me again.
The pattern your past has presented, makes me want to run scared.

And yet, the love I feel for you is so strong, it makes me weak.

Today Is The First Day Of School. (For Jake)

Today, Is the first day of school.

I am so excited. I picked out the clothes,
I would wear, last night.

Super Hero (For Jake)

Hi, my name is Jake. You might have heard of me, I am a super hero.

You probably find it hard to believe, but it is true, just the same.

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