Kinsley Lee

Kinsley Lee Poems

-In Memory of the Air-Force Pilot, the Father Myung-Ryul Park, and his Son In-Chul Park…

The hillside is dusky when the sun set in the west,
The riverbank the road lights flash on the dandy creased

In early morning, whenever open the eyes,
It flows that the unrecoverable old stories, suddenly.
The autumn airs are whirling like the spring tides,
The regrets and sorrows surges upon to me.

Sah-Eon, Yang

Even the Tae-mountain is high,
But the limit is the sky.

Dong-Ju, Yoon

On the night of the day when I came back
At same room, my skeleton was running after and lying

At dawn, through the open window embrace,
Whispers of weeping voices reach to my bed.
But down the park, to the grove I tread, where
The chorus of insects' hushes, silence spread.

Dong-Ju, Yoon
The white washcloth is wrapped the black brains.
The white rubber shoes are hung on the rough feet.

생의 입김

생의 입김
태양을 숨쉬고

Hyung-Sig, Kim

The heavy rains are coursing
Down, it's the softened noodles of string.

At Insa-dong, there's a house frequently sought by people,
The scent of ssanghwa-cha can be felt, even from afar,
The guests sit and pass the time, mostly are middle-
Aged. But can meet their friends, like the time of the parr.

They drew in foreign power and invaded
The other brothers in the name of liberation.
With the army who changed uniform, they raided
At dawn, suddenly. With difficulty, nation

Now, seventy years have passed
Since it ceased the echoes of the cannons,
But the many soldiers're living with the blast
In mine, left in the red land and canyons.

He'd captured during Korean War, the battle-field,
And the enemy sent him to the remoted coal mine.
Last fifty years, the friends've died at the red field,
Barely, he had escaped the cold and frozen mine.

They were the gallant Royal Guards soldiers in Ethiopia
But one days applied to participated the war broken at unknown
Country, far away. They descended the Olympia
To the port. And arrived the land the cannonballs flown.

By the enemy's invasion, the mother land's on the stake and going to burn.
They applied to be the student soldiers and ventured vales and hills to face
The enemy. After war, to the campus, many student couldn't return.
The lonely tower honors their youthful sacrifice even as time pass.

When the Red Chinese invaded the Korea, the Taebaek young students,
And teachers and their students applied to be warriors for dangerous country to fight,
Made the contributions, and they meet again at their home town, many students
Yet, their precious names engraved in the mountains under the light.

Alone, without fright, she took the active roles in the midst of combat field,
From beginning to end of war, galloping the battle field where full of the gunpowder mist.
At last this US mariner from Korea retired the field and honorably be dismissed,
A marine horse left the great contributions on the history and left the field.

Suddenly outer cover unit disappeared,
So they're in sticky situation but never bewildered.
The assailants were seven times, as enemy
And the defender were without the cover of infantry,

The country liberated, burdening with loss of family she grasped the nettles.
A woman, escaped from the prison, and joined the freedom fighter far
Away. On Mount-Guwol, she fought valiantly and made contribution in guerrilla battles,
But even the seasoned soldier could not overcome the pain of scar.

Raising rifles, the military cadets rushed to the battlefield,
With bare fists, they blocked the invaded enemy, flaming loyalty.
Did not blooming, young men for nation, they've fallen on the hot field.
The deaths of young age, the lonesome tower mourns silently.

Gathered as one mind, those who lagged behind, soldiers and cadets,
Emerging from the shadows of Bulamsan, sudden guerrilla attacking, they launched.
With invincible and agile raids, they've achieved the war results and been the threats
To the enemy. Alas, the last battle, they rescued civilians and all were perished.

Kinsley Lee Biography

* Name: Sang-Gog Ki-Woon Lee * Born in Seoul * Graduate from Sogang University * Graduate from Korea Air & Open University * Studied at KAIST. * Had been worked at OPC. * Had been worked at Samsung Electronics Co. * Had been worked as an Adjunct Professor at EEC of the Sogang University. * Had been worked as an Visiting Professor at Kyun-Yang University. * Working at CapusPartners Co. * A member of the Han-Gang Literature Association. * Writing the Korean Shi or Shijo, English Poem, Traditional Chinese Poem titled the Hanshi and a literary critic.)

The Best Poem Of Kinsley Lee

The Ode For Twin Star

-In Memory of the Air-Force Pilot, the Father Myung-Ryul Park, and his Son In-Chul Park…

The hillside is dusky when the sun set in the west,
The riverbank the road lights flash on the dandy creased
Roads. In the small cell, they prepare for their rest.
And on the sky, the stars appear their faces in the east.
But the outside of the land the day's affair's not finished,
Under the starlight their busyness are not diminished.

One day the gravestone was erected in this hallowed ground,
And with greeting, a new star appeared in the sky at night,
And the four-year son's waiting his sire to the airplane's sound,
And longing for father but only the star's beaming the light
When he grown up, been an air-force pilot to fly
But one day, sadly he chased his father in the sky.

Yon, the twin tombstones on this land. Hark!
The twin stars on the sky, on this hill and river, they shine.
Without the resting the gray tombstones gleam in dark,
The last post blows the calmly sounds in this shrine.
For their living days for their country they did their best,
And the small cells under the ground the all souls rest.

Owing to the sacrifice of the stars the road-lights shine
And the Pleasure boat progress upstream on the river
And hot summer on the farm the grapes are maturing on the vine
For wine. We must not forget their sacrifice forever.
For this country, he left this land for being a star,
And even his son chased him for being another star.
(10th, Jul.,2023, Kinsley Lee)

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