Linda Marie Van Tassell Poems

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How You Must Have Suffered To Pluck A Cloud

How you must have suffered to pluck a cloud,
to tear its tendrils to rain in my heart,
to sweep the sadness of a coffin shroud
casting long shadows to keep us apart.

Speck (And I Am Born)

"You are not a drop in the ocean.
You are the entire ocean, in a drop."
~ Rumi

Only A Shirt

Only a shirt -

I hold it
embrace it

Wear You

I long to wear you like a softly-scented cologne,
to smell your essence around me when I'm all alone,
to inhale you with each breath from the moment I wake,
to taste you on the wind with every step I take.

My Father

Save mine eyes from the sight.
I have sought thee for nineteen years;
and hence, have found thee.
I grasp thee to my bosom e'er so tight,

A Flower In The Rain

Grey city morning and black river streets.
Rain against my window, tears in my sheets.
Dark clouds in the sky, thunder overhead.
Imprint of your body left in my bed.

I Dream Of Being With You

I dream of knowing your velvet kiss,
the soft warmth of your lips,
the delicious drink of carnal bliss
that pours from your fingertips.

My Darling, Rose

Her clothes hang in the closet.
The room smells of her perfume.
Their bed is dressed with pillows
of antique lace, some heirloom.

The Unasked And Never Answered

I turned the heat on last night to chase away the cold;
and I perceived you in the sepulcher of my bones,
the bones that ache with hunger and tears, the great ensouled
that never really knew you, just words turned into stones.

Genesis 2: 22

'And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.'

I am not perfect; I never was -
a canonized lie of virgin white.

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